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By safelock
W moim starym C320 widzę ścieżkę do etxk v210 t42 i t46. Patrzę za pomocą oprogramowania sprzętowego etxk i mam t42, a następnie nie uruchamiam ścieżki do t46.
T46 to najnowsza data, więc zasugeruj nową naprawę karty.
Czy masz fw i mwr w nowej wersji T46 (widoczne w pierwszej linii pliku w formacie szesnastkowym).
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Is there a way to completely erase the control board SCXM on a C300. I want to synchronize it with a working one but not all files are copied
By AdiT
I'm having problems with one SCXM
I have deleted all existing patches
- delete patch
ZXAN#delete patch *
Confirm to delete?[yes/no]:yes
Start deleting file
deleting etghgv125p3t13_r0.pat..
deleting etghgv125p3t13_r1.pat..
deleting etghkv125p3t29_r0.pat..
- verify
ZXAN#dir patch
Directory of /flash/patch/
attribute size date time name
-rwx 2 JAN-05-2024 09:42:54 patchCfgForOam.txt
-rwx 1032 JAN-05-2024 08:17:32 patchCfg.txt
-rwx 516 DEC-29-2023 10:07:40 patchCfgNext.txt
-rwx 1296 DEC-29-2023 10:07:42 patchCfgLast.txt
-rwx 7740 JAN-05-2024 10:09:20 patchCfgForNp.txt
-rwx 516 JAN-05-2024 10:09:14 patchCfgForNpNext.txt
-rwx 2592 JAN-05-2024 10:09:14 patchCfgForNpLast.txt
Current directory 7 files total
Total disk size: 126664704 bytes (40484864 bytes free)
- Reboot
- Verify after reboot
ZXAN#sho patch-saved
Patch infomation on master board
Loc FileName PatchTag BuildTime PatchLen AdminState
- Download patches
ZXAN#download patch ETGHGV125P3T13_r0.pat ftp ipaddress x.x.x.x user xxx password xxx
Downloading from host(x.x.x.x)
Transfering file /ETGHGV125P3T13_r0.pat ...
ZXAN#download patch ETGHGV125P3T13_r1.pat ftp ipaddress x.x.x.x user xxx password xxx
Downloading from host(x.x.x.x)
Transfering file /ETGHGV125P3T13_r1.pat ...
ZXAN#download patch ETGHKV125P3T29_r0.pat ftp ipaddress x.x.x.x user xxx password xxx
Downloading from host(x.x.x.x)
Transfering file /ETGHKV125P3T29_r0.pat ...
ZXAN#download patch ETGOV125P3T13_r0.pat fftp ipaddress x.x.x.x user xxx password xxx
Downloading from host(x.x.x.x)
Transfering file /ETGOV125P3T13_r0.pat ...
- Verify after download (no patches saved after successfully downloading )
ZXAN#sho patch-saved
Patch infomation on master board
Loc FileName PatchTag BuildTime PatchLen AdminState
- Verifying directory patch ( files have been copied ? )
ZXAN#dir patch
Directory of /flash/patch/
attribute size date time name
-rwx 2 JAN-05-2024 10:22:56 patchCfgForOam.txt
-rwx 6382 JAN-05-2024 10:16:36 etghgv125p3t13_r0.pat
-rwx 1032 JAN-05-2024 08:17:32 patchCfg.txt
-rwx 8260 JAN-05-2024 10:16:42 etghgv125p3t13_r1.pat
-rwx 516 DEC-29-2023 10:07:40 patchCfgNext.txt
-rwx 1296 DEC-29-2023 10:07:42 patchCfgLast.txt
-rwx 7740 JAN-05-2024 10:09:20 patchCfgForNp.txt
-rwx 516 JAN-05-2024 10:09:14 patchCfgForNpNext.txt
-rwx 2592 JAN-05-2024 10:09:14 patchCfgForNpLast.txt
-rwx 7300 JAN-05-2024 10:16:50 etghkv125p3t29_r0.pat
-rwx 23803 JAN-05-2024 10:16:58 etgov125p3t13_r0.pat
-rwx 8024 JAN-05-2024 10:17:04 etgov125p3t17_r0.pat
-rwx 89760 JAN-05-2024 10:17:12 etgov125p3t17_r8.pat
Current directory 13 files total
Total disk size: 126664704 bytes (40329216 bytes free)
- Trying write + Reboot
- Verify after reboot (again no patches saved )
ZXAN#sho patch-saved
Patch infomation on master board
Loc FileName PatchTag BuildTime PatchLen AdminState
- Verifying directory patch after reboot ( files still there ? )
ZXAN#dir patch
Directory of /flash/patch/
attribute size date time name
-rwx 2 JAN-05-2024 10:22:56 patchCfgForOam.txt
-rwx 6382 JAN-05-2024 10:16:36 etghgv125p3t13_r0.pat
-rwx 1032 JAN-05-2024 08:17:32 patchCfg.txt
-rwx 8260 JAN-05-2024 10:16:42 etghgv125p3t13_r1.pat
-rwx 516 DEC-29-2023 10:07:40 patchCfgNext.txt
-rwx 1296 DEC-29-2023 10:07:42 patchCfgLast.txt
-rwx 7740 JAN-05-2024 10:09:20 patchCfgForNp.txt
-rwx 516 JAN-05-2024 10:09:14 patchCfgForNpNext.txt
-rwx 2592 JAN-05-2024 10:09:14 patchCfgForNpLast.txt
-rwx 7300 JAN-05-2024 10:16:50 etghkv125p3t29_r0.pat
-rwx 23803 JAN-05-2024 10:16:58 etgov125p3t13_r0.pat
-rwx 8024 JAN-05-2024 10:17:04 etgov125p3t17_r0.pat
-rwx 89760 JAN-05-2024 10:17:12 etgov125p3t17_r8.pat
Current directory 13 files total
Total disk size: 126664704 bytes (40329216 bytes free)
Can someone pls help. The patch files are copied successfully to the patch directory but are not shown as saved and cannot be activated
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