Passive network equipment
We sell/buy passive network equipment. Cables, patchcords, pigtails...

Services for ISPs
Develop network project
We can develop a project for network / project for PON.
Connection of users
We can connect users to your network (fiber optic, twisted pair).
Install boxes with network equipment
We can install boxes with network equipment so you can connect clients to them.

Passive network equipment
We sell/buy passive network equipment. Cables, patchcords, pigtails...

Services for ISPs
Install boxes with network equipment
We can install boxes with network equipment so you can connect clients to them.
Connection of users
We can connect users to your network (fiber optic, twisted pair).
Develop network project
We can develop a project for network / project for PON.
Network equipment configuration
Switches, routers configuration.
Network Access Servers configuration
Configuartion of NAS, BRAS, Monitoring
SIP telephony configuration
We can setup and configure SIP telephony, VoIP

Operator services
Rent fiber
We have fiber optic in cables for rent.

Services for ISPs
Cable to the ground
Cable installation to the gound. Make cable trenches.
Call center for operators
We can outsource your call center to support users

Active network equipment
We sell/buy active network equipment. Switches, routers, firewalls...
Passive network equipment
We sell/buy passive network equipment. Cables, patchcords, pigtails...

Information, media
Magazines, newspapers, online media (registered)
Our company publish magazine or newspaper. Also we can be online media (registered). We publish stories about telecommunications.