Ia iz Bolgari...
Ia neznaiu shto обажаться znachit....Izvini menia
Ia skachil wive_rev_b_Acorp_WR-G.bin.bz2
Excuse me, but i will continue in English...Sorry for that but my Russian is not so fluent...anyway i have learned Russian almost 20 years ago:)
[Wive@/]# version
Wive-v0.6.1-pre4::RTL8186::Wed, 31 Oct 2007 11:43:45 +0
I think that there must be sources available....I know that they are beta or whatever...I want to have them if possible, because i need to compile pppoe and ppptp and i van not wait:)....
Anyway i have wive 6.0.0, but according to news on the sf