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О meritonis

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2 502 просмотра профиля
  1. meritonis


    Hi Everyone, I have a problem with ZTE-C300, CPU is 95% and I can't execute any comand, it shows: %Code 41007: This command is forbidden,because auto writing file generation is in process. I can't even restart it from telnet. Do you have any idea?
  2. meritonis

    Куплю шасси Cisco 6504E

    Hi dear, I have this model: Cisco WS-C6503-E. If you need I sell it completely. file:///C:/Users/Pc/Documents/ViberDownloads/0-02-05-98a0d712509a7e11c60a40b327008e445b40c0b39c5802be4cc5a51d9da5c042_e66eaecb013fdad6.jpg
  3. meritonis

    ZTE-C300-GTXO firmware

    I have GTXOK card with model K not model G
  4. meritonis

    ZTE-C300-GTXO firmware

    I set these firmware, but the card is hwonline, not active?
  5. meritonis

    ZTE-C300-GTXO firmware

    Hi? I have ZTE card GTXO, but the zte firmware is v1.2.5P3. Can you share the firmware v1.2.5p3 for GTXO card?
  6. meritonis


    I have a problem with zte-f660, the problem is that through the netnumen it is not configured onu, it is registered correctly but the commands are not accepted through the netnumen. Onu is configured only manually through the web browser, I have this version of onu and netnumen.
  7. olá sou do brasil queria saber se voces podem min ajudar com uma zte c300

    1. marcossocram


      preciso restaurar as configuraçoes de frabrica

  8. Do you have any idea how to solve this problem,because youtube dont work in any mag? Thanks!
  9. meritonis

    Signals rx and tx

    Hi! i wanted to ask you if these signals are normal they make a lot of difference why? do you have any explanation of how so much the difference between tx and rx ?
  10. meritonis


    I have ETTOK card vith version 1.2.5P3, but the mcast is freeze internet is ok only Mcast freeze why? The pon port is 10GB-Asymetric. i have patch: ettokv125p3t29_r0.pat ettokv125p3t29_r1.pat
  11. meritonis

    Вопросы по ZTE C320

    HI? i have zte c320 version 2.1.0 but again processor is 99%. i have 500 client on a card gpon gtgh why? How to solve this problem?
  12. meritonis

    Вопросы по ZTE C320

    I have ZTE-C320 with GTGHK version v2.1.0 i need firmware and patches v2.1.0 for GTGHK?
  13. meritonis

    SCXM to SCXN

    Do you have any idea how to change the cards SCXM to SCXN in ZTE-C300?
  14. meritonis

    Вопросы по ZTE C320

    can you tell me which version of the netnumen open? because they have been told with a new version of the netnumen does not open. i have version: 12.13.20?
  15. meritonis

    Вопросы по ZTE C320

    I have zte c320 with version 2.1.0 but the etgo card in netnumen does not support why? Rack Shelf Slot CfgType RealType Port HardVer SoftVer Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 1 ETGO ETGOD 8 V1.0.0 V2.1.0 INSERVICE Slot1: ETGOD
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