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Все, що було написано tel-op

  1. tel-op

    Релизы Ubilling 2018

    can anyone help me ? :X why not add user balance money ? log work normal but not add money with user balance
  2. tel-op

    openpay system

  3. tel-op

    openpay system

  4. tel-op

    Релизы Ubilling 2018

    Sistema ispolzuet Fiktivnii Platioj i potomu na scetu aponenta ne sadiatsia dengi, kak perevesti sistemu s fiktivnogo platioja na Dobavit Deneg funkciu? Takje kak sdelat chtobi sciot abonenta ne perexodil v minusovku, a zamorajivalsia pri balanse 0 ? Prosba administratorov programmi otvetit i pomoch s problemoi. and how can i add document custom field information ???
  5. tel-op

    openpay system

    Sistema ispolzuet Fiktivnii Platioj i potomu na scetu aponenta ne sadiatsia dengi, kak perevesti sistemu s fiktivnogo platioja na Dobavit Deneg funkciu? Takje kak sdelat chtobi sciot abonenta ne perexodil v minusovku, a zamorajivalsia pri balanse 0 ? Prosba administratorov programmi otvetit i pomoch s problemoi.
  6. tel-op

    openpay system

  7. tel-op

    openpay system

  8. tel-op

    openpay system

    Sistema ispolzuet Fiktivnii Platioj i potomu na scetu aponenta ne sadiatsia dengi, kak perevesti sistemu s fiktivnogo platioja na Dobavit Deneg funkciu? Takje kak sdelat chtobi sciot abonenta ne perexodil v minusovku, a zamorajivalsia pri balanse 0 ? Prosba administratorov programmi otvetit i pomoch s problemoi.
  9. tel-op

    openpay system

    mypay system work but i have problem with balance i pay with my pay system and balance no change ... log show me user add cash .... but nothing change with user balance
  10. tel-op

    openpay system

    help please
  11. tel-op

    openpay system

    anyone can help me ? i make paysystem but my system no add cash why ?
  12. tel-op

    stargazer restart

    if you know hot to make it can you jast say me plz ?
  13. tel-op

    stargazer restart

    ok tnx and can i make ... ever 10 minute send info in mikrotik ?
  14. tel-op

    stargazer restart

    i use mikrotik api and my router is dead and i need add again users info in new router and i can do this without server restart and i dont need restart ... I'm using mikrotik app and I want the server to send users data in mikrotik in every 10 minutes, how can I do that?
  15. tel-op

    stargazer restart

    can you help me ? with cron code ...
  16. tel-op

    stargazer restart

    i have full fucking config but my router is dead and i dont need restart full server for add all user config again in new router and if you know how to make this can you say me ? please or go away
  17. tel-op

    stargazer restart

  18. tel-op

    stargazer restart

    just say me its possible and how make it ?
  19. tel-op

    stargazer restart

    I'm using mikrotik app and I want the server to send users data in microtik in every 10 minutes, how can I do that?
  20. tel-op

    Payment ID

    i remove manual my user in microti router and i need add again with stargazer bat he not add :X how can i make automatik send info ?
  21. tel-op

    Payment ID

    i use mikrotik api ... and How do I resume the information disconnected and then connected in the router?
  22. can i make autorestart stargazer ? any config file no restart server just restart stargazer ...
  23. tel-op

    Payment ID

    hey... can i add more pay sistem ? and how ?
  24. tel-op

    Payment ID

    Yes I need adress for private buildingd
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