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Сообщения додав Gena_1984

  1. Добрый день!
    Аналогичная проблема:
    BDCOM(tm) GP3600-16 Software, Version 10.3.0D Build 81888
    Уже обновились до:
    BDCOM(tm) GP3600-16 Software, Version 10.3.0D Build 85646
    А проблема с  самовольной перезагрузкой осталась:
    System is rebooted by CPU exception at 2021-9-7 14:45:58, uptime 1:08:55:48

    Единственно что пока заметил что  GP3600-16B таких проблем не имеет.
    Но он у нас и не на столько загружен как GP3600-16:
    CPU utilization for one second: 38%; one minute: 25%; five minutes: 24%
    CPU MAX utilization: 100%(2000-1-1 0:1:58)

    Может кто то  из вас нашел  решение проблемы???

  2. Удалось настроить вот так:

    gpon profile onu-mcst-oper mcst id 2
     gpon-profile downstream-mcst-tag strip
    gpon profile onu-mcst-dynamic-group mcst id 2
     gpon-profile entry 1 multicast-gemport 4093
     gpon-profile entry 1 multicast-vlan-id 400
     gpon-profile entry 1 multicast-group-address-range 239........ to 239...........


    interface GPON0/2:1

     gpon onu equipment-id 1111
     gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile tvbind-default
     gpon onu flow-mapping-profile CONF_ONU_2
     gpon onu virtual-port 1 gem-port 256
     gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile CONF_ONU_2
     gpon onu uni 1 mcst-oper-profile mcst
     gpon onu uni 1 mcst-dynamic-group-profile mcst


    ip mcst enable
    ip mcst timer router-age 600
    ip mcst timer response-time 120
    ip mcst mrouter interface GigaEthernet0/1
    ip mcst mc-vlan 400 range 239........... - 239...................

  3. 1 час назад, deltatelecom сказал:

    попробуй убрать 

    gpon-profile upstream-igmp-tag add 400 4 

    Не помогло.

    BDCOM_178#sh ip mcst groups

    Total Multicast Group Numbers: 2048
    Total Multicast Group Counts: 0

    Vlan Group           Type     Port(s)
    ---- --------------- -------- -------------------------------------



  4. Добрый день!
    Прошу помощи.
    Не могу настроить работу Интернета и мультикаста на ону.

    У нас 1 Uplink

    interface GigaEthernet0/1
    description UpLink
    switchport trunk vlan-allowed 303,331-332,400
    switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
    switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
    switchport pvid 400
    dhcp snooping trust


    vlan 331 Инет
    vlan 400 Мультикаст


    на interface GigaEthernet0/1

    вижу адреса:


    BDCOM_178#sh mac address-table vlan 400
    Mac Address Table (Total 27)

    Vlan Mac Address Type Ports
    ---- ----------- ---- -----
    400 0006.f41f.413c DYNAMIC g0/1
    400 0006.f431.eb64 DYNAMIC g0/1
    400 0006.f431.eb88 DYNAMIC g0/1
    400 a8f9.4bee.96c3 DYNAMIC g0/1

    Интернет через vlan 331 есить.
    А мультикаст не проходит.
    Дальше не могу разобраться в конфиге где проблема:

    BDCOM_178#sh ru
    Building configuration...

    Current configuration:
    !version 10.3.0C build 53126
    service timestamps log date
    service timestamps debug date
    logging source-interface VLAN303
    logging buffered 16386
    logging buffered informational
    logging console critical
    logging facility local0
    logging trap debugging
    logging command
    hostname BDCOM_178
    port-protected 1

    no spanning-tree
    aaa authentication login default local
    aaa authentication enable default none
    aaa authorization exec default local
    username admin password 0 admin
    gpon profile onu-tcont tcont-default id 1
     gpon-profile tcont-type 3 pir 1024000 cir 512
    gpon profile onu-tcont inter id 2
     gpon-profile tcont-type 3 pir 9984 cir 1024
    gpon profile onu-tcont video id 3
     gpon-profile tcont-type 2 cir 4032
    gpon profile onu-rate-limit ratelimit-default id 1
     gpon-profile pir 1024000 cir 6000
    gpon profile onu-rate-limit def id 2
    gpon profile onu-rate-limit virtuaex id 3
    gpon profile onu-virtual-port virtual-port-default id 1
     gpon-profile encryption disable
     gpon-profile upstream queue 8
     gpon-profile upstream rate-limit-profile ratelimit-default
     gpon-profile downstream queue 8
    gpon profile onu-tcont-virtual-port-bind tvbind-default id 1
     gpon-profile virtual-port 1 profile virtual-port-default tcont 1 profile tcont-default
    gpon profile onu-tcont-virtual-port-bind video id 2
     gpon-profile virtual-port 2 profile virtual-port-default tcont 3 profile video
     gpon-profile virtual-port 1 profile virtual-port-default tcont 2 profile inter
    gpon profile onu-flow-mapping flow-mapping-default id 1
     gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni all
     gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
    gpon profile onu-flow-mapping flow-mapping-default-hgu id 2
     gpon-profile entry 1 uni type veip all
     gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
    gpon profile onu-flow-mapping test id 3
     gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
     gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 331
     gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
     gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
     gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 400
     gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
    gpon profile onu-flow-mapping CONF_ONU_2 id 4
     gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni all
     gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 331
     gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
    gpon profile onu-vlan test id 3
     gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
     gpon-profile vlan pvid 300 0
     gpon-profile vlan trunk vlan-allowed 300,331,400
    gpon profile onu-vlan CONF_ONU_2 id 4
     gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
     gpon-profile vlan pvid 331 0
     gpon-profile vlan trunk vlan-allowed 331,400
    gpon profile onu-mcst-oper mcst id 2
     gpon-profile fast-leave-mode enable
     gpon-profile upstream-igmp-tag add 400 4
     gpon-profile downstream-mcst-tag strip
    gpon profile onu-mcst-dynamic-group mcst id 2
     gpon-profile entry 1 multicast-gemport 4093
     gpon-profile entry 1 multicast-vlan-id 2
     gpon-profile entry 1 multicast-group-address-range to
    gpon onutype-template onutype-default-hgu
     gpon-onutype match ctc-onu-type HGU
     gpon-onutype config tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile tvbind-default
     gpon-onutype config flow-mapping-profile flow-mapping-default-hgu
    gpon onutype-template onutype-default
     gpon-onutype config tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile tvbind-default
     gpon-onutype config flow-mapping-profile flow-mapping-default
    gpon onu-config-template test
     cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile test
     cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile tvbind-default
     cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile test
    gpon onu-config-template CONF_ONU_2
     cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile CONF_ONU_2
     cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile tvbind-default
     cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile CONF_ONU_2
     cmd-sequence 004 gpon onu uni 1 onu-mcst-oper mcst
     cmd-sequence 005 gpon onu uni 1 onu-mcst-dynamic-group mcst
    interface Null0
    interface GigaEthernet0/0
     no ip address
     no ip directed-broadcast
    !!slot 0 1
    interface GigaEthernet0/1
     description UpLink
     switchport trunk vlan-allowed 303,331-332,400
     switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
      dhcp snooping trust
    interface GPON0/2
     gpon pre-config-template CONF_ONU_2 bind-onuid 1-128
     gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
     gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
     gpon bind-onu sn 4244434D621208D5 1
     filter dhcp
     switchport trunk vlan-allowed 331,400
     switchport mode trunk
     switchport pvid 400
     storm-control broadcast threshold 1000
     storm-control multicast threshold 1000
     switchport protected 1
    interface GPON0/2:1
     gpon onu equipment-id 1111
     gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile tvbind-default
     gpon onu flow-mapping-profile CONF_ONU_2
     gpon onu virtual-port 1 gem-port 256
     gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile CONF_ONU_2
     gpon onu uni 1 mcst-dynamic-group-profile mcst
    !!slot end
    interface VLAN1
     no ip address
     no ip directed-broadcast
    interface VLAN300
     ip address
     no ip directed-broadcast
    interface VLAN303
     ip address
     no ip directed-broadcast
    interface VLAN400
     no ip address
     no ip directed-broadcast
    filter enable
    vlan 1,300,303,331-332,400,3400
    ip mcst enable
    ip mcst proxy-vlan 400
    ip mcst querier enable
    ip mcst mrouter interface GigaEthernet0/1
    ip dhcpd enable
    ip dhcp-relay snooping
    ip dhcp-relay snooping vlan  331-332
    ip dhcp-relay snooping information option format hn-type host
    ip dhcp-relay snooping log
    ip exf
    ipv6 exf
    ip http language english
    ip http server

  5. Консольный шнур тот что идет в комплекте с BDCOM.
    Маркировка на шнуре - RLC0301

    Параметры соединения СОМ-порта через Putty

    Speed: 9600

    Data bits: 8

    Stop bits: 1

    Parity: None

    Flow control: XON/XOFF

    На данных настройках проблем не было.
    Так же проверили работоспособность COM-порта на других коммутаторах "FOXGATE" и "BDCOM"

  6. Добрый день.
    Возникла проблема после настройки OLT.

    Switch_config#no gpon profile onu-vlan users id 3
    Switch_config#gpon profile onu-vlan users id 1
    Switch_config_prof_onuVlan_users# gpon-profile vlan mode tag
    Switch_config_prof_onuVlan_users# gpon-profile vlan pvid 331 0
    Switch#writ all
    Config file open error
    Write startup-config failed, recovery startup-config from backup!
    write all configuration failed! rc = -2

    После перезагрузки в консольном окне выдает сообщение:


    Дальше ничего не происходит.

    По индикации горит p1 и помигивает sys.

    прошивка стоит BD_GP3616_10.3.0C_53126.bin

    В режим CTRL+P зайти не получается.

    BD_GP3616 полностью новый.

    Прошу помощи в решении данной проблемы.



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