Есть такая схема D'Link DES3612G => OLT BDCOM P3310B => ONU BDCOM 3022 => D'Link 1228 => абонент
Задача получить мультикаст у абонента (IPTV)
Конфиги железа:
BDCOM P3310B Software, Version 10.1.0B Build 21324
Copyright by Shanghai Baud Data Communication CO. LTD.
Compiled: 2014-10-9 11:8:33 by SYS_21324, Image text-base: 0x80008000
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 0.3.3, Serial num:00313001147
System image file is "BD3314_10.1.0B.bin"
(RISC) processor with 131072K bytes of memory, 8192K bytes of flash
Base ethernet MAC Address: fc:fa:f7:c9:19:36
snmp info:
product_ID:228 syst