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а у вас говрят ящик треснет если оно к вам придёт:


This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.


A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its

recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:



Message will exceed maximum mailbox size for neops@inbox.ru. Mail rejected


------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------

------ The body of the message is 3910701 characters long; only the first

------ 1024 or so are included here.

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Огромное спасибо! Вот только в логах теперь:


2006-08-12 07:09:23 -- Stg v. Stg 2.4

2006-08-12 07:09:23 -- Timer thread started successfully.

2006-08-12 07:09:23 -- Storage plugin: file_store v.1.01. Loading successfull.

2006-08-12 07:09:23 -- Error: Plugin loading failed. /usr/lib/stg/mod_conf_sg.so

: Undefined symbol "_ZN4USER10AddMessageEP7STG_MSG"

2006-08-12 07:09:23 -- Traffcounter: Stop successfull.

2006-08-12 07:09:23 -- Users: Stop successfull.

2006-08-12 07:09:26 -- Queue removed successfully.

2006-08-12 07:09:26 -- StgTimer: Stop successfull.

2006-08-12 07:09:26 -- Stg stopped successfully.

2006-08-12 07:09:26 -- ---------------------------------------------



Может файл сожмешь на самой ос в tar и скинешь?

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