Ivan4 0 Опубликовано: 2007-04-20 10:14:48 Share Опубликовано: 2007-04-20 10:14:48 Поставил stargazer вышеуказанной версии на Linux, настроил как описано, запустил, конфигуратор конектится, авторизатор тоже нормально, а при нажатии в авторизаторе кнопки "Подключится" ничего не выполняется. (OnConnect, OnDisconnect) При добавлении/изменении/удалении не выполняются тоже соответствующие им скрипты. Права на скрипты 755 root/root. При установки программы (сервера) ошибок не выводилось на консоль. В лог файле тоже всё OK. Ниже приведу всё по порядку: Скрипты находятся в /etc/stargazer OnConnect #!/bin/bash # Login LOGIN=$1 #user IP IP=$2 #cash CASH=$3 #user ID ID=$4 echo "C `date +%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S` $IP $CASH" >> /var/stargazer/users/$LOGIN/connect.log iptables -t filter -A INPUT -s $ip -j ACCEPT iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -s $ip -j ACCEPT iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -d $ip -j ACCEPT iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -d $ip -j ACCEPT OnDisconnect #!/bin/bash # Login LOGIN=$1 #user IP IP=$2 #cash CASH=$3 #user ID ID=$4 echo "D `date +%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S` $IP $CASH" >> /var/stargazer/users/$LOGIN/connect.log iptables -t filter -D INPUT -s $ip -j ACCEPT while [ $? -eq 0 ] do iptables -t filter -D INPUT -s $ip -j ACCEPT done ################################## iptables -t filter -D FORWARD -s $ip -j ACCEPT while [ $? -eq 0 ] do iptables -t filter -D FORWARD -s $ip -j ACCEPT done ################################## iptables -t filter -D FORWARD -d $ip -j ACCEPT while [ $? -eq 0 ] do iptables -t filter -D FORWARD -d $ip -j ACCEPT done ################################## iptables -t filter -D OUTPUT -d $ip -j ACCEPT while [ $? -eq 0 ] do iptables -t filter -D OUTPUT -d $ip -j ACCEPT done OnUserAdd #!bin/bash # Login login=$1 echo "added user $login" >> /var/stargazer/add_del.log OnUserDel #!bin/bash # Login login=$1 echo "deleted user $login" >> /var/stargazer/add_del.log OnChange #!bin/bash login=$1 param=$2 oldValue=$3 newValue=$4 echo "User: '$login'. Parameter $param changed from '$oldValue' to '$newValue'" >> /var/stargazer/users.chg.log rules ALL DIR3 stargazer.conf ################################################################################ # Файл настроек сервера stargazer # ################################################################################ # Имя файла в котором определяются правила подсчета трафика Rules = /etc/stargazer/rules # Имя лог-файла куда пишутся события LogFile = /var/log/stargazer.log # Путь к директории, в которой находятся модули сервера ModulesPath = /usr/lib/stg # Время через которое пишется d БД детальная статистика пользователя # Значения: 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/6. # 1 - раз в чаc, 1/2 - раз в пол часа, 1/4 - раз в 15 мин, 1/6 - раз в 10 мин DetailStatWritePeriod=1/6 # Периодичность записи записи в БД информации о статистике пользователя (минуты) # При большом кол-ве пользователей эту величину стоит увеличить, т.к. # запись в БД может занимать длительное время. # Значения: 1...1440 (минуты) StatWritePeriod = 1 # День снятия абонплаты # Значения: 0...31. 0 - Последний день месяца DayFee = 1 # День сброса данных о трафике за месяц и день перехода пользователей на новые тарифы # Значения: 0...31. 0 - Последний день месяца DayResetTraff = 1 # "Размазанное" снятие абонплаты. Снятие АП не раз в месяц, а каждый # день 1/30 или 1/31 части АП # Значения: yes, no SpreadFee = no # Данная опция определяет может ли пользователь получить доступ в интерент # если у него на счету нет денег, но остался предоплаченный трафик # Значения: yes, no FreeMbAllowInet = no # Кол-во запускаемых процессов stg-exec. # Эти процессы отвечают за выполнение скриптов OnConnect, OnDisconnect, ... # Кол-во процессов означает сколько скриптов могут выполнятся одновременно. # Значения: 1...1024 ExecutersNum = 1 # Message Key для stg-exec. # Идентификатор очереди сообщений для выполнятеля скриптов. # Его изменение может понадобится если есть необходимость запустить несколько # экземпляров stg. Если вы не понимаете, что это, не трогайте этот параметр! # Значения: 0...2^32 # Значение по умолчанию: 5555 # ExecMsgKey = 5555 # Названия направлений. Направления без названий не будут отображаться в # авторизаторе и конфигураторе. Названия состоящие из нескольких слов должны # быть взяты в кавычки <DirNames> DirName0 = DirName1 = DirName2 = inet_trafic DirName3 = DirName4 = DirName5 = DirName6 = DirName7 = DirName8 = DirName9 = </DirNames> # Абонплата снимается в последний (yes) или первый (no) день учетного периода. # Это влияет на то, как будет снята абонплата (АП) при переходе на новый тариф. # Если у пользователя был тариф A с АП=100 и он хочет перейти на тариф B с АП=200, # то при переходе на новый тариф со счета пользователя снимется 100, если # DayFeeIsLastDay = yes и 200, если DayFeeIsLastDay = no DayFeeIsLastDay = yes # Эта опция определяет что будет писаться в стоимость трафика в detail_stat. # Если у пользователя еще есть предоплаченный трафик и WriteFreeMbTraffCost = no, # то в detail_stat стоимость будет 0. Если у пользователя уже нет # предоплаченного трафика и WriteFreeMbTraffCost = no, то в detail_stat # будет записана стоиость трафика. При WriteFreeMbTraffCost = yes стоимость # трафика будет записана в любом случае. WriteFreeMbTraffCost = no ################################################################################ # Store module # Настройки плагина работающего с БД сервера # Второй параметр - это имя модуля без mod_ в начале и .so в конце # Т.е. полное имя модуля mod_store_files.so <StoreModule store_files> # Рабочая директория сервера, тут содержатся данные о тарифах, пользователях, # администраторах и т.д. WorkDir = /var/stargazer # Владелец, группа и права доступа на файлы статистики (stat) пользователя ConfOwner = root ConfGroup = root ConfMode = 640 # Владелец, группа и права доступа на файлы конфигурации (conf) пользователя StatOwner = root StatGroup = root StatMode = 640 # Владелец, группа и права доступа на лог-файлы (log) пользователя UserLogOwner = root UserLogGroup = root UserLogMode = 640 </StoreModule> ################################################################################ # Прочие модули <Modules> # Настройки плагина авторизации Always Online "mod_auth_ao.so" # Второй параметр - это имя модуля без mod_ в начале и .so в конце # Т.е. полное имя модуля mod_auth_ao.so <Module auth_ao> </Module> # Настройки плагина авторизации InetAccess "mod_auth_ia.so" # Второй параметр - это имя модуля без mod_ в начале и .so в конце # Т.е. полное имя модуля mod_auth_ia.so <Module auth_ia> # Порт на котором принимаются обращения от авторизатора # Значения: 1...65534 Port = 5555 # Время между посылками запроса пользователю жив ли он # и обновлением данных статистики (секунды) # Значения: 5...600 UserDelay = 10 #Таймаут для пользователя. Если в течение этого времени авторизатор #не отвечает, пользователь будет отключен # Значения: 15...1200 UserTimeout = 30 # Этот параметр определяет что будет передаваться программе InetAccess от сервера # как отстаток предоплаченного трафика # Значения: # FreeMb = 0 - кол-во бесплатных мегабайт в пресчете на цену нулевого направления # FreeMb = 1 - кол-во бесплатных мегабайт в пресчете на цену первого направления # FreeMb = 2 - кол-во бесплатных мегабайт в пресчете на цену второго направления # FreeMb = 3 - кол-во бесплатных мегабайт в пресчете на цену третьего направления # ........................ # FreeMb = 9 - кол-во бесплатных мегабайт в пресчете на цену девятого направления # FreeMb = cash - кол-во денег на которые юзер может бесплатно качать # FreeMb = none - ничего не передавать FreeMb = none </Module> # Модули можно использовать несколько раз с разными параметрами #<Module auth_ia> # Port = 7777 # UserDelay = 15 # UserTimeout = 65 # FreeMb = 0 #</Module> # Настройки модуля конфигурации SgConfig "mod_conf_sg.so" # Второй параметр - это имя модуля без mod_ в начале и .so в конце <Module conf_sg> # Порт по которому сервер взаимодействует с конфигуратором # Значения: 1...65535 Port = 4444 </Module> # Модуль захвата трафика "mod_cap_ether.so" # Второй параметер - это имя модуля без mod_ в начале и .so в конце # Без параметров. Только имя модуля. <Module cap_ether> # Модуль без параметров </Module> # Настройки модуля пингующего пользователей "mod_ping.so" # Второй параметр - это имя модуля без mod_ в начале и .so в конце <Module ping> # Время, в секундах, между пингами одного и того же пользователя # Значения: 10...3600 PingDelay = 15 </Module> </Modules> ################################################################################ fw - настройка фаервола (он на ситуацию не влияет даже если всюду всё разрешено то скрипты всё равно не выполняются) #!/bin/bash #Машина администратора admin= #Адреса роутера server0= server1= #server2= # Интерфейс смотрящий на клиентов iface_lan=eth0 # Интерфейс смотрящий во внешний мир iface_world=ppp0 # Интерфейс смотрящий на sputnik iface_dvb=dvb0_0 #Порты, на которых работает конфигуратор и авторизатор conf_port=4444 user_port1=5555 user_port2=5555 # Разрешаем форвардинг пакетов между интерфейсами # Эта штука необязательна, просто в некоторых дистрибутивах # по умолчанию форвардинг разрешен, а в некоторых - запрещен # Если мы подстрахуемся, хуже не бкдет echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward # Очищаем правила файрвола iptables -t filter -F iptables -t filter -X iptables -t nat -F iptables -t nat -X # Политика по умолчанию DROP: всем всё запрещено iptables -t filter -P INPUT DROP iptables -t filter -P FORWARD DROP iptables -t filter -P OUTPUT DROP #---------------------------------------- # Разрешаем пингам ходить всюду и всегда #iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT #iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -p icmp -j ACCEPT #iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT # Разрешаем всё на локальном интерфейсе iptables -t filter -A INPUT -d -j ACCEPT iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -s -j ACCEPT # Разрешить серверу общаться со внешним миром #iptables -t filter -A INPUT -i $iface_world -j ACCEPT #iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -o $iface_world -j ACCEPT iptables -t filter -A INPUT -s -i $iface_dvb -p udp -m udp --sport 1025 -j ACCEPT iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -d -o $iface_world -p udp -m udp --dport 1025 -j ACCEPT iptables -t filter -A INPUT -s -i $iface_dvb -p udp -m udp --sport 1025 -j ACCEPT iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -d -o $iface_world -p udp -m udp --dport 1025 -j ACCEPT # DNS. Замечу, ДНС работает и по TCP и по UDP #iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp --sport 53 -j ACCEPT #iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -p tcp --sport 53 -j ACCEPT #iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT #iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT #iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p udp --sport 53 -j ACCEPT #iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -p udp --sport 53 -j ACCEPT #iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT #iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT # VNC iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp -s $admin -d $server0 --dport 5802 -j ACCEPT iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d $admin -s $server0 --sport 5802 -j ACCEPT iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp -s $admin -d $server0 --dport 5902 -j ACCEPT iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d $admin -s $server0 --sport 5902 -j ACCEPT # Stargazer configurator iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp -s $admin -d $server0 --dport $conf_port -j ACCEPT iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d $admin -s $server0 --sport $conf_port -j ACCEPT # UDP stargazer InetAccess iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p udp -s --sport $user_port2 -d $server0 --dport $user_port1 -j ACCEPT iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -p udp -d --dport $user_port1 -s $server0 -j ACCEPT #Маскарад iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d -j MASQUERADE фаил /var/log/stargazer.log 2007-04-17 19:50:26 -- Stg v. Stg 2.401 2007-04-17 19:50:26 -- Message queue created successfully. msgKey=5555 msgID=0 2007-04-17 19:50:26 -- Timer thread started successfully. 2007-04-17 19:50:26 -- Storage plugin: file_store v.1.02. Loading successfull. 2007-04-17 19:50:26 -- Users started successfully. 2007-04-17 19:50:26 -- Traffcounter started successfully. 2007-04-17 19:50:26 -- Module: 'Ether_cap v.1.0'. Start successfull. 10 2007-04-17 19:50:26 -- Module: 'InetAccess authorizator v.1.0'. Start successfull. 50 2007-04-17 19:50:26 -- Module: 'Always Online authorizator v.1.0'. Start successfull. 70 2007-04-17 19:50:26 -- Module: 'Pinger v.1.0'. Start successfull. 100 2007-04-17 19:50:26 -- Module: 'Stg configurator v.0.05'. Start successfull. 220 2007-04-17 19:50:26 -- Stg started successfully. 2007-04-17 19:50:26 -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2007-04-17 19:54:55 -- Admin's connect failed. IP 2007-04-17 20:00:52 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'IP' parameter changed from '' to ''. 2007-04-17 20:03:11 -- Admin 'admin', Tariff 'tariff' cannot be deleted. Tariff in use. 2007-04-17 23:26:58 -- Shutting down... 15 2007-04-17 23:26:58 -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2007-04-19 18:02:39 -- Stg v. Stg 2.401 2007-04-19 18:02:39 -- Message queue created successfully. msgKey=5555 msgID=0 2007-04-19 18:02:39 -- Timer thread started successfully. 2007-04-19 18:02:39 -- Storage plugin: file_store v.1.02. Loading successfull. 2007-04-19 18:02:39 -- Users started successfully. 2007-04-19 18:02:39 -- Traffcounter started successfully. 2007-04-19 18:02:39 -- Module: 'Ether_cap v.1.0'. Start successfull. 10 2007-04-19 18:02:39 -- Module: 'InetAccess authorizator v.1.0'. Start successfull. 50 2007-04-19 18:02:39 -- Module: 'Always Online authorizator v.1.0'. Start successfull. 70 2007-04-19 18:02:39 -- Module: 'Pinger v.1.0'. Start successfull. 100 2007-04-19 18:02:39 -- Module: 'Stg configurator v.0.05'. Start successfull. 220 2007-04-19 18:02:39 -- Stg started successfully. 2007-04-19 18:02:39 -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2007-04-19 18:04:18 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test' deleted. 2007-04-19 18:08:28 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test' added. 2007-04-19 18:08:31 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'IP' parameter changed from '*' to ''. 2007-04-19 18:08:31 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'address' parameter changed from '' to 'ул. Тестовая, д. 1 кв. 1'. 2007-04-19 18:08:31 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'freeMb' parameter changed from '0' to '0'. 2007-04-19 18:08:31 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'email' parameter changed from '' to 'tset@tast.ru'. 2007-04-19 18:08:31 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'group' parameter changed from '' to 'user'. 2007-04-19 18:08:31 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'note' parameter changed from '' to 'тестовый юзер'. 2007-04-19 18:08:31 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'password' parameter changed from '********' to '********'. 2007-04-19 18:08:31 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'phone' parameter changed from '' to '1234567890'. 2007-04-19 18:08:31 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'realName' parameter changed from '' to 'Иван'. 2007-04-19 18:08:31 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'cash' parameter changed from '0' to '10'. 2007-04-19 18:08:31 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'tariff' parameter changed from '*_NO_TARIFF_*' to 'tariff'. 2007-04-19 18:10:46 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'realName' parameter changed from 'Иван' to 'Ivan'. 2007-04-19 18:27:15 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'cash' parameter changed from '10' to '60'. 2007-04-19 18:28:26 -- Admin 'admin', Tariff 'tariff' cannot be deleted. Tariff in use. 2007-04-19 18:28:42 -- Admin 'admin', Tariff 'tariff' changed. 2007-04-19 18:28:53 -- Admin 'admin', Tariff 'tariff' changed. 2007-04-19 18:29:18 -- Admin 'admin', Tariff 'tariff' changed. 2007-04-19 18:30:42 -- Admin 'admin', Tariff 'svoi' added. 2007-04-19 18:31:02 -- Admin 'admin', Tariff 'tariff' cannot be deleted. Tariff in use. 2007-04-19 18:31:24 -- Admin 'admin', Tariff 'tariff' cannot be deleted. Tariff in use. 2007-04-19 19:12:25 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'tariff' parameter changed from 'tariff' to 'svoi'. 2007-04-19 19:12:43 -- Admin 'admin', Tariff 'tariff' deleted. 2007-04-19 19:34:57 -- Stg v. Stg 2.401 2007-04-19 19:34:57 -- Message queue created successfully. msgKey=5555 msgID=32768 2007-04-19 19:34:57 -- Timer thread started successfully. 2007-04-19 19:34:57 -- Storage plugin: file_store v.1.02. Loading successfull. 2007-04-19 19:34:57 -- Users started successfully. 2007-04-19 19:34:57 -- Traffcounter started successfully. 2007-04-19 19:34:57 -- Module: 'Ether_cap v.1.0'. Start successfull. 10 2007-04-19 19:34:57 -- Module: 'InetAccess authorizator v.1.0'. Start successfull. 50 2007-04-19 19:34:57 -- Module: 'Always Online authorizator v.1.0'. Start successfull. 70 2007-04-19 19:34:57 -- Module: 'Pinger v.1.0'. Start successfull. 100 2007-04-19 19:34:57 -- Module: 'Stg configurator v.0.05'. Start successfull. 220 2007-04-19 19:34:57 -- Stg started successfully. 2007-04-19 19:34:57 -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2007-04-20 01:50:27 -- Stg v. Stg 2.401 2007-04-20 01:50:27 -- Message queue created successfully. msgKey=5555 msgID=0 2007-04-20 01:50:27 -- Timer thread started successfully. 2007-04-20 01:50:27 -- Storage plugin: file_store v.1.02. Loading successfull. 2007-04-20 01:50:28 -- Users started successfully. 2007-04-20 01:50:28 -- Traffcounter started successfully. 2007-04-20 01:50:28 -- Module: 'Ether_cap v.1.0'. Start successfull. 10 2007-04-20 01:50:28 -- Module: 'InetAccess authorizator v.1.0'. Start successfull. 50 2007-04-20 01:50:28 -- Module: 'Always Online authorizator v.1.0'. Start successfull. 70 2007-04-20 01:50:28 -- Module: 'Pinger v.1.0'. Start successfull. 100 2007-04-20 01:50:28 -- Module: 'Stg configurator v.0.05'. Start successfull. 220 2007-04-20 01:50:28 -- Stg started successfully. 2007-04-20 01:50:28 -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2007-04-20 01:52:51 -- Stg v. Stg 2.401 2007-04-20 01:52:51 -- Message queue created successfully. msgKey=5555 msgID=32768 2007-04-20 01:52:51 -- Timer thread started successfully. 2007-04-20 01:52:51 -- Storage plugin: file_store v.1.02. Loading successfull. 2007-04-20 01:52:51 -- Users started successfully. 2007-04-20 01:52:51 -- Traffcounter started successfully. 2007-04-20 01:52:51 -- Module: 'Ether_cap v.1.0'. Start successfull. 10 2007-04-20 01:52:51 -- Module: 'InetAccess authorizator v.1.0'. Start successfull. 50 2007-04-20 01:52:51 -- Module: 'Always Online authorizator v.1.0'. Start successfull. 70 2007-04-20 01:52:51 -- Module: 'Pinger v.1.0'. Start successfull. 100 2007-04-20 01:52:51 -- Module: 'Stg configurator v.0.05'. Start successfull. 220 2007-04-20 01:52:51 -- Stg started successfully. 2007-04-20 01:52:51 -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2007-04-20 01:54:01 -- Stg v. Stg 2.401 2007-04-20 01:54:01 -- Message queue created successfully. msgKey=5555 msgID=65536 2007-04-20 01:54:01 -- Timer thread started successfully. 2007-04-20 01:54:01 -- Storage plugin: file_store v.1.02. Loading successfull. 2007-04-20 01:54:01 -- Users started successfully. 2007-04-20 01:54:01 -- Traffcounter started successfully. 2007-04-20 01:54:01 -- Module: 'Ether_cap v.1.0'. Start successfull. 10 2007-04-20 01:54:01 -- Module: 'InetAccess authorizator v.1.0'. Start successfull. 50 2007-04-20 01:54:01 -- Module: 'Always Online authorizator v.1.0'. Start successfull. 70 2007-04-20 01:54:01 -- Module: 'Pinger v.1.0'. Start successfull. 100 2007-04-20 01:54:01 -- Module: 'Stg configurator v.0.05'. Start successfull. 220 2007-04-20 01:54:01 -- Stg started successfully. 2007-04-20 01:54:01 -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2007-04-20 02:00:43 -- Admin 'admin', Tariff 'svoi' changed. 2007-04-20 02:08:28 -- Stg v. Stg 2.401 2007-04-20 02:08:28 -- Message queue created successfully. msgKey=5555 msgID=98304 2007-04-20 02:08:28 -- Timer thread started successfully. 2007-04-20 02:08:28 -- Storage plugin: file_store v.1.02. Loading successfull. 2007-04-20 02:08:28 -- Users started successfully. 2007-04-20 02:08:28 -- Traffcounter started successfully. 2007-04-20 02:08:28 -- Module: 'Ether_cap v.1.0'. Start successfull. 10 2007-04-20 02:08:28 -- Module: 'InetAccess authorizator v.1.0'. Start successfull. 50 2007-04-20 02:08:28 -- Module: 'Always Online authorizator v.1.0'. Start successfull. 70 2007-04-20 02:08:28 -- Module: 'Pinger v.1.0'. Start successfull. 100 2007-04-20 02:08:28 -- Module: 'Stg configurator v.0.05'. Start successfull. 220 2007-04-20 02:08:28 -- Stg started successfully. 2007-04-20 02:08:28 -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2007-04-20 02:23:04 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'alwaysOnline' parameter changed from '0' to '1'. 2007-04-20 02:27:28 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'alwaysOnline' parameter changed from '1' to '0'. 2007-04-20 02:27:28 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'disabled' parameter changed from '0' to '1'. 2007-04-20 02:28:22 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'disabled' parameter changed from '1' to '0'. 2007-04-20 02:28:22 -- Admin '@stargazer', User 'test': 'cash' parameter changed from '60' to '60'. Заморозка 2007-04-20 02:28:22 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'passive' parameter changed from '0' to '1'. 2007-04-20 02:28:45 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'alwaysOnline' parameter changed from '0' to '1'. 2007-04-20 02:28:45 -- Admin 'admin', User 'test': 'passive' parameter changed from '1' to '0'. вывод конслоли во время установки: [root@server ~]# cd /usr/local/src[root@server src]# tar -xzf stg-2.402.9.7.src.tgz[root@server src]# ls -lитого 1936drwxrwxrwx 14 1005 1005 1024 Апр 4 01:26 squid-2.6.STABLE9/-rwxr-xr-x 1 useradmin root 1625942 Мар 3 16:11 squid-2.6.STABLE9.tar.gz*-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 171577 Ноя 2 14:34 stg-2.401.9.7.src.tgzdrwxr-xr-x 7 1000 users 1024 Ноя 8 21:12 stg-2.402.9.7/-rw-rw-r-- 1 useradmin useradmin 171533 Апр 12 19:31 stg-2.402.9.7.src.tgz[root@server src]# cd /usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer[root@server stargazer]# ./build############################################################################# Building STG 2.4 for Linux#############################################################################Makeing stg_logger.lib../Makefile.in:74: deps: Нет такого файла или каталогаg++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c stg_logger.cppar rc libstg_logger.a stg_logger.oranlib libstg_logger.acp stg_logger.h ../../include/cp libstg_logger.a ../../lib/Makeing crypto.lib../Makefile.in:74: deps: Нет такого файла или каталогаg++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c ag_md5.cg++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c blowfish.cppar rc libcrypto.a ag_md5.o blowfish.oranlib libcrypto.acp ag_md5.h blowfish.h ../../include/cp libcrypto.a ../../lib/Makeing common.lib../Makefile.in:74: deps: Нет такого файла или каталогаg++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c debug.cg++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c stg_error.cg++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c common.cppar rc libstg_common.a debug.o stg_error.o common.oranlib libstg_common.acp debug.h stg_error.h common.h ../../include/cp libstg_common.a ../../lib/Makeing conffiles.lib../Makefile.in:74: deps: Нет такого файла или каталогаg++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c conffiles.cppar rc libconffiles.a conffiles.oranlib libconffiles.acp conffiles.h ../../include/cp libconffiles.a ../../lib/Makeing hostallow.lib../Makefile.in:74: deps: Нет такого файла или каталогаg++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c hostallow.cppar rc libhostallow.a hostallow.oranlib libhostallow.acp hostallow.h ../../include/cp libhostallow.a ../../lib/Makeing pinger.lib../Makefile.in:74: deps: Нет такого файла или каталогаg++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c pinger.cppar rc libstg_pinger.a pinger.oranlib libstg_pinger.acp pinger.h ../../include/cp libstg_pinger.a ../../lib/Makeing dotconfpp.lib../Makefile.in:74: deps: Нет такого файла или каталогаg++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c dotconfpp.cppg++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c mempool.cppar rc libdotconfpp.a dotconfpp.o mempool.oranlib libdotconfpp.acp dotconfpp.h mempool.h ../../include/cp libdotconfpp.a ../../lib/Makefile:95: deps: Нет такого файла или каталогаg++ -c admin.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorg++ -c admins.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorg++ -c main.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’:user.h:81: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’:user.h:91: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’:user.h:101: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’:users.h:60: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorusers.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorusers.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructortraffcounter.h:105: warning: ‘class TRF_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructortraffcounter.h:118: warning: ‘class TRF_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’:traffcounter.h:129: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:19: warning: ‘class NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorg++ -c curr_ip.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUXg++ -c settings.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUXg++ -c stg_timer.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUXg++ -c tariff2.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’:user.h:81: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’:user.h:91: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’:user.h:101: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’:users.h:60: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorusers.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorusers.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorg++ -c traffcounter.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’:user.h:81: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’:user.h:91: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’:user.h:101: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’:users.h:60: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorusers.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorusers.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructortraffcounter.h:105: warning: ‘class TRF_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructortraffcounter.h:118: warning: ‘class TRF_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’:traffcounter.h:129: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:19: warning: ‘class NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorg++ -c user.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’:user.h:81: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’:user.h:91: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’:user.h:101: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’:users.h:60: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorusers.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorusers.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.cpp: In member function ‘void USER::Run()’:user.cpp:715: warning: unused variable ‘sec’../../include/notifer.h: At global scope:../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IPS>’:user_property.h:205: instantiated from ‘USER_PROPERTY<varT>& USER_PROPERTY<varT>::operator=(const varT&) [with varT = USER_IPS]’user.cpp:130: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IPS>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<DIR_TRAFF>’:user_property.h:205: instantiated from ‘USER_PROPERTY<varT>& USER_PROPERTY<varT>::operator=(const varT&) [with varT = DIR_TRAFF]’user.cpp:210: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<DIR_TRAFF>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<long int>’:user_property.h:205: instantiated from ‘USER_PROPERTY<varT>& USER_PROPERTY<varT>::operator=(const varT&) [with varT = long int]’user.cpp:213: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<long int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorg++ -c user_property.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorg++ -c users.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’:user.h:81: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’:user.h:91: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’:user.h:101: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’:users.h:60: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorusers.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorusers.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’:users.cpp:197: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:19: warning: ‘class NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorg++ -c plugin_runner.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’:user.h:81: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’:user.h:91: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’:user.h:101: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructoruser.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’:users.h:60: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorusers.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorusers.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructortraffcounter.h:105: warning: ‘class TRF_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructortraffcounter.h:118: warning: ‘class TRF_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’:traffcounter.h:129: instantiated from here../../include/notifer.h:19: warning: ‘class NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorg++ -c script_executer.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUXg++ admin.o admins.o main.o curr_ip.o settings.o stg_timer.o tariff2.o traffcounter.o user.o user_property.o users.o plugin_runner.o script_executer.o ../../lib/libconffiles.a ../../lib/libstg_common.a ../../lib/libcrypto.a ../../lib/libstg_logger.a ../../lib/libdotconfpp.a ../../lib/libstg_pinger.a /usr/lib/libexpat.so /usr/lib/libpthread.so /usr/lib/libdl.so -g3 -Wl,-E -o stargazerfor plugin in ./plugins/authorization/ao ./plugins/authorization/inetaccess ./plugins/store/files ./plugins/configuration/sgconfig ./plugins/other/ping ./plugins/capture/ether_linux ./plugins/capture/ipq_linux; do \ gmake OS=linux -C $plugin; \ donegmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/authorization/ao'Makefile:54: deps: Нет такого файла или каталогаgmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/authorization/ao'gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/authorization/ao'g++ -c ao.cpp -g3 -Wall -fPIC -I ../../../../../include -DLINUX../../../../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’:../../../user.h:81: instantiated from here../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’:../../../user.h:91: instantiated from here../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’:../../../user.h:101: instantiated from here../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’:../../../users.h:60: instantiated from here../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’:ao.h:113: instantiated from here../../../../../include/notifer.h:19: warning: ‘class NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorao.h: In instantiation of ‘CHG_BEFORE_NOTIFIER<int>’:ao.cpp:154: instantiated from hereao.h:24: warning: ‘class CHG_BEFORE_NOTIFIER<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorao.h: In instantiation of ‘CHG_AFTER_NOTIFIER<int>’:ao.cpp:155: instantiated from hereao.h:38: warning: ‘class CHG_AFTER_NOTIFIER<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IPS>’:ao.h:24: instantiated from ‘CHG_BEFORE_NOTIFIER<USER_IPS>’ao.cpp:170: instantiated from here../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IPS>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorao.h: In instantiation of ‘CHG_BEFORE_NOTIFIER<USER_IPS>’:ao.cpp:170: instantiated from hereao.h:24: warning: ‘class CHG_BEFORE_NOTIFIER<USER_IPS>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorao.h: In instantiation of ‘CHG_AFTER_NOTIFIER<USER_IPS>’:ao.cpp:171: instantiated from hereao.h:38: warning: ‘class CHG_AFTER_NOTIFIER<USER_IPS>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorg++ ao.o -g3 -shared -o mod_auth_ao.sogmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/authorization/ao'gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/authorization/inetaccess'Makefile:54: deps: Нет такого файла или каталогаgmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/authorization/inetaccess'gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/authorization/inetaccess'g++ -c inetaccess.cpp -g3 -Wall -fPIC -I ../../../../../include -DLINUX../../../../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’:../../../user.h:81: instantiated from here../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’:../../../user.h:91: instantiated from here../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’:../../../user.h:101: instantiated from here../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’:../../../users.h:60: instantiated from here../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’:inetaccess.h:191: instantiated from here../../../../../include/notifer.h:19: warning: ‘class NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorg++ inetaccess.o -g3 -shared -o mod_auth_ia.sogmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/authorization/inetaccess'gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/store/files'Makefile:53: deps: Нет такого файла или каталогаgmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/store/files'gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/store/files'g++ -c file_store.cpp -g3 -Wall -fPIC -I ../../../../../include -DLINUX../../../../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorg++ file_store.o -g3 -shared -o mod_store_files.sogmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/store/files'gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/configuration/sgconfig'Makefile:60: deps: Нет такого файла или каталогаgmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/configuration/sgconfig'gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/configuration/sgconfig'g++ -c stgconfig.cpp -g3 -Wall -fPIC -I ../../../../../include -DLINUX../../../../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor../../../../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах
Ivan4 0 Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 10:41:14 Автор Share Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 10:41:14 я добавлю ещё раз вывод с консоли т.к. в пред идущем сообщении он не вошол весь [root@server ~]# cd /usr/local/src [root@server src]# tar -xzf stg-2.402.9.7.src.tgz [root@server src]# ls -l итого 1936 drwxrwxrwx 14 1005 1005 1024 Апр 4 01:26 squid-2.6.STABLE9/ -rwxr-xr-x 1 useradmin root 1625942 Мар 3 16:11 squid-2.6.STABLE9.tar.gz* -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 171577 Ноя 2 14:34 stg-2.401.9.7.src.tgz drwxr-xr-x 7 1000 users 1024 Ноя 8 21:12 stg-2.402.9.7/ -rw-rw-r-- 1 useradmin useradmin 171533 Апр 12 19:31 stg-2.402.9.7.src.tgz [root@server src]# cd /usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer [root@server stargazer]# ./build ############################################################################# Building STG 2.4 for Linux ############################################################################# Makeing stg_logger.lib ../Makefile.in:74: deps: Нет такого файла или каталога g++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c stg_logger.cpp ar rc libstg_logger.a stg_logger.o ranlib libstg_logger.a cp stg_logger.h ../../include/ cp libstg_logger.a ../../lib/ Makeing crypto.lib ../Makefile.in:74: deps: Нет такого файла или каталога g++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c ag_md5.c g++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c blowfish.cpp ar rc libcrypto.a ag_md5.o blowfish.o ranlib libcrypto.a cp ag_md5.h blowfish.h ../../include/ cp libcrypto.a ../../lib/ Makeing common.lib ../Makefile.in:74: deps: Нет такого файла или каталога g++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c debug.c g++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c stg_error.c g++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c common.cpp ar rc libstg_common.a debug.o stg_error.o common.o ranlib libstg_common.a cp debug.h stg_error.h common.h ../../include/ cp libstg_common.a ../../lib/ Makeing conffiles.lib ../Makefile.in:74: deps: Нет такого файла или каталога g++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c conffiles.cpp ar rc libconffiles.a conffiles.o ranlib libconffiles.a cp conffiles.h ../../include/ cp libconffiles.a ../../lib/ Makeing hostallow.lib ../Makefile.in:74: deps: Нет такого файла или каталога g++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c hostallow.cpp ar rc libhostallow.a hostallow.o ranlib libhostallow.a cp hostallow.h ../../include/ cp libhostallow.a ../../lib/ Makeing pinger.lib ../Makefile.in:74: deps: Нет такого файла или каталога g++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c pinger.cpp ar rc libstg_pinger.a pinger.o ranlib libstg_pinger.a cp pinger.h ../../include/ cp libstg_pinger.a ../../lib/ Makeing dotconfpp.lib ../Makefile.in:74: deps: Нет такого файла или каталога g++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c dotconfpp.cpp g++ -g -Wall -I ../../include/ -I ./ -DLINUX -DSTG_TIME -c mempool.cpp ar rc libdotconfpp.a dotconfpp.o mempool.o ranlib libdotconfpp.a cp dotconfpp.h mempool.h ../../include/ cp libdotconfpp.a ../../lib/ Makefile:95: deps: Нет такого файла или каталога g++ -c admin.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX ../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ -c admins.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX ../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ -c main.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX ../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’: user.h:81: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’: user.h:91: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’: user.h:101: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’: users.h:60: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor traffcounter.h:105: warning: ‘class TRF_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor traffcounter.h:118: warning: ‘class TRF_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’: traffcounter.h:129: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:19: warning: ‘class NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ -c curr_ip.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX g++ -c settings.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX g++ -c stg_timer.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX g++ -c tariff2.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX ../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’: user.h:81: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’: user.h:91: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’: user.h:101: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’: users.h:60: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ -c traffcounter.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX ../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’: user.h:81: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’: user.h:91: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’: user.h:101: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’: users.h:60: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor traffcounter.h:105: warning: ‘class TRF_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor traffcounter.h:118: warning: ‘class TRF_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’: traffcounter.h:129: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:19: warning: ‘class NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ -c user.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX ../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’: user.h:81: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’: user.h:91: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’: user.h:101: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’: users.h:60: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.cpp: In member function ‘void USER::Run()’: user.cpp:715: warning: unused variable ‘sec’ ../../include/notifer.h: At global scope: ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IPS>’: user_property.h:205: instantiated from ‘USER_PROPERTY<varT>& USER_PROPERTY<varT>::operator=(const varT&) [with varT = USER_IPS]’ user.cpp:130: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IPS>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<DIR_TRAFF>’: user_property.h:205: instantiated from ‘USER_PROPERTY<varT>& USER_PROPERTY<varT>::operator=(const varT&) [with varT = DIR_TRAFF]’ user.cpp:210: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<DIR_TRAFF>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<long int>’: user_property.h:205: instantiated from ‘USER_PROPERTY<varT>& USER_PROPERTY<varT>::operator=(const varT&) [with varT = long int]’ user.cpp:213: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<long int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ -c user_property.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX ../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ -c users.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX ../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’: user.h:81: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’: user.h:91: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’: user.h:101: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’: users.h:60: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’: users.cpp:197: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:19: warning: ‘class NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ -c plugin_runner.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX ../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’: user.h:81: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’: user.h:91: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’: user.h:101: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’: users.h:60: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor traffcounter.h:105: warning: ‘class TRF_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor traffcounter.h:118: warning: ‘class TRF_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’: traffcounter.h:129: instantiated from here ../../include/notifer.h:19: warning: ‘class NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ -c script_executer.cpp -g3 -Wall -I ../../include -DLINUX g++ admin.o admins.o main.o curr_ip.o settings.o stg_timer.o tariff2.o traffcounter.o user.o user_property.o users.o plugin_runner.o script_executer.o ../../lib/libconffiles.a ../../lib/libstg_common.a ../../lib/libcrypto.a ../../lib/libstg_logger.a ../../lib/libdotconfpp.a ../../lib/libstg_pinger.a /usr/lib/libexpat.so /usr/lib/libpthread.so /usr/lib/libdl.so -g3 -Wl,-E -o stargazer for plugin in ./plugins/authorization/ao ./plugins/authorization/inetaccess ./plugins/store/files ./plugins/configuration/sgconfig ./plugins/other/ping ./plugins/capture/ether_linux ./plugins/capture/ipq_linux; do \ gmake OS=linux -C $plugin; \ done gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/authorization/ao' Makefile:54: deps: Нет такого файла или каталога gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/authorization/ao' gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/authorization/ao' g++ -c ao.cpp -g3 -Wall -fPIC -I ../../../../../include -DLINUX ../../../../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’: ../../../user.h:81: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’: ../../../user.h:91: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’: ../../../user.h:101: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’: ../../../users.h:60: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’: ao.h:113: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:19: warning: ‘class NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ao.h: In instantiation of ‘CHG_BEFORE_NOTIFIER<int>’: ao.cpp:154: instantiated from here ao.h:24: warning: ‘class CHG_BEFORE_NOTIFIER<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ao.h: In instantiation of ‘CHG_AFTER_NOTIFIER<int>’: ao.cpp:155: instantiated from here ao.h:38: warning: ‘class CHG_AFTER_NOTIFIER<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IPS>’: ao.h:24: instantiated from ‘CHG_BEFORE_NOTIFIER<USER_IPS>’ ao.cpp:170: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IPS>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ao.h: In instantiation of ‘CHG_BEFORE_NOTIFIER<USER_IPS>’: ao.cpp:170: instantiated from here ao.h:24: warning: ‘class CHG_BEFORE_NOTIFIER<USER_IPS>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ao.h: In instantiation of ‘CHG_AFTER_NOTIFIER<USER_IPS>’: ao.cpp:171: instantiated from here ao.h:38: warning: ‘class CHG_AFTER_NOTIFIER<USER_IPS>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ ao.o -g3 -shared -o mod_auth_ao.so gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/authorization/ao' gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/authorization/inetaccess' Makefile:54: deps: Нет такого файла или каталога gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/authorization/inetaccess' gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/authorization/inetaccess' g++ -c inetaccess.cpp -g3 -Wall -fPIC -I ../../../../../include -DLINUX ../../../../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’: ../../../user.h:81: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’: ../../../user.h:91: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’: ../../../user.h:101: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’: ../../../users.h:60: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’: inetaccess.h:191: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:19: warning: ‘class NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ inetaccess.o -g3 -shared -o mod_auth_ia.so gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/authorization/inetaccess' gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/store/files' Makefile:53: deps: Нет такого файла или каталога gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/store/files' gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/store/files' g++ -c file_store.cpp -g3 -Wall -fPIC -I ../../../../../include -DLINUX ../../../../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ file_store.o -g3 -shared -o mod_store_files.so gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/store/files' gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/configuration/sgconfig' Makefile:60: deps: Нет такого файла или каталога gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/configuration/sgconfig' gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/configuration/sgconfig' g++ -c stgconfig.cpp -g3 -Wall -fPIC -I ../../../../../include -DLINUX ../../../../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’: ../../../user.h:81: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’: ../../../user.h:91: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’: ../../../user.h:101: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’: ../../../users.h:60: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ -c rsconf.cpp -g3 -Wall -fPIC -I ../../../../../include -DLINUX ../../../../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’: ../../../user.h:81: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’: ../../../user.h:91: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’: ../../../user.h:101: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’: ../../../users.h:60: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ -c configproto.cpp -g3 -Wall -fPIC -I ../../../../../include -DLINUX ../../../../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’: ../../../user.h:81: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’: ../../../user.h:91: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’: ../../../user.h:101: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’: ../../../users.h:60: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ -c parser.cpp -g3 -Wall -fPIC -I ../../../../../include -DLINUX ../../../../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’: ../../../user.h:81: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’: ../../../user.h:91: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’: ../../../user.h:101: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’: ../../../users.h:60: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IPS>’: ../../../user_property.h:205: instantiated from ‘USER_PROPERTY<varT>& USER_PROPERTY<varT>::operator=(const varT&) [with varT = USER_IPS]’ ../../../user_property.h:347: instantiated from ‘bool USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED<varT>::Set(const varT&, const ADMIN*, const std::string&, const BASE_STORE*, const std::string&) [with varT = USER_IPS]’ parser.cpp:937: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IPS>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<long int>’: ../../../user_property.h:205: instantiated from ‘USER_PROPERTY<varT>& USER_PROPERTY<varT>::operator=(const varT&) [with varT = long int]’ ../../../user_property.h:347: instantiated from ‘bool USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED<varT>::Set(const varT&, const ADMIN*, const std::string&, const BASE_STORE*, const std::string&) [with varT = long int]’ parser.cpp:948: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<long int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<DIR_TRAFF>’: ../../../user_property.h:205: instantiated from ‘USER_PROPERTY<varT>& USER_PROPERTY<varT>::operator=(const varT&) [with varT = DIR_TRAFF]’ ../../../user_property.h:347: instantiated from ‘bool USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED<varT>::Set(const varT&, const ADMIN*, const std::string&, const BASE_STORE*, const std::string&) [with varT = DIR_TRAFF]’ parser.cpp:1105: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<DIR_TRAFF>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ -c parser_tariff.cpp -g3 -Wall -fPIC -I ../../../../../include -DLINUX ../../../../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’: ../../../user.h:81: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’: ../../../user.h:91: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’: ../../../user.h:101: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’: ../../../users.h:60: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ -c parser_admin.cpp -g3 -Wall -fPIC -I ../../../../../include -DLINUX ../../../../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’: ../../../user.h:81: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’: ../../../user.h:91: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’: ../../../user.h:101: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’: ../../../users.h:60: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ stgconfig.o rsconf.o configproto.o parser.o parser_tariff.o parser_admin.o -g3 -shared -o mod_conf_sg.so gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/configuration/sgconfig' gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/other/ping' Makefile:55: deps: Нет такого файла или каталога gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/other/ping' gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/other/ping' g++ -c ping.cpp -g3 -Wall -fPIC -I ../../../../../include -DLINUX ../../../../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’: ../../../user.h:81: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’: ../../../user.h:91: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’: ../../../user.h:101: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’: ../../../users.h:60: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ping.h:37: warning: ‘class CHG_CURRIP_NOTIFIER_PING’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IPS>’: ping.h:49: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IPS>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ping.h:50: warning: ‘class CHG_IPS_NOTIFIER_PING’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’: ping.h:62: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:19: warning: ‘class NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ ping.o -g3 -shared -o mod_ping.so gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/other/ping' gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/capture/ether_linux' Makefile:44: deps: Нет такого файла или каталога gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/capture/ether_linux' gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/capture/ether_linux' g++ -c ether_cap.cpp -g3 -Wall -fPIC -I ../../../../../include -DLINUX ../../../../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’: ../../../user.h:81: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’: ../../../user.h:91: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’: ../../../user.h:101: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’: ../../../users.h:60: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../traffcounter.h:105: warning: ‘class TRF_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../traffcounter.h:118: warning: ‘class TRF_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’: ../../../traffcounter.h:129: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:19: warning: ‘class NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ ether_cap.o -g3 -shared -o mod_cap_ether.so gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/capture/ether_linux' gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/capture/ipq_linux' Makefile:43: deps: Нет такого файла или каталога gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/capture/ipq_linux' gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/capture/ipq_linux' g++ -c ipq_cap.cpp -g3 -Wall -fPIC -I ../../../../../include -DLINUX ../../../../../include/base_plugin.h:30: warning: ‘class BASE_PLUGIN’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_store.h:25: warning: ‘class BASE_STORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/base_auth.h:19: warning: ‘class BASE_AUTH’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’: ../../../user.h:81: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:82: warning: ‘class CHG_PASSIVE_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’: ../../../user.h:91: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:92: warning: ‘class CHG_TARIFF_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’: ../../../user.h:101: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<double>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../user.h:102: warning: ‘class CHG_CASH_NOTIFIER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’: ../../../users.h:60: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:12: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<unsigned int>’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:61: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../users.h:72: warning: ‘class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../traffcounter.h:105: warning: ‘class TRF_IP_BEFORE’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../traffcounter.h:118: warning: ‘class TRF_IP_AFTER’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../../../include/notifer.h: In instantiation of ‘NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’: ../../../traffcounter.h:129: instantiated from here ../../../../../include/notifer.h:19: warning: ‘class NOTIFIER_BASE<std::_List_iterator<USER> >’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor g++ -g3 -Wall -fPIC -c -o libipq.o libipq.c g++ ipq_cap.o libipq.o -g3 -shared -o mod_cap_ipq.so gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/stg-2.402.9.7/projects/stargazer/plugins/capture/ipq_linux' [root@server stargazer]# ./install ################################################################################ # Installed # # /usr/sbin/stargazer - daemon # # /usr/lib/stg/ - stg modules # # /usr/etc/stargazer/ - settings # # /var/stargazer/ - DB # ################################################################################ [root@server stargazer]# Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах
Neelix 33 Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 10:52:56 Share Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 10:52:56 ну прям постарался все написать....нет слов. Если нет конекта, смотри файрвол. Из логов видно, что OnUserAdd и OnChange выполняется... Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах
Ivan4 0 Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 10:56:03 Автор Share Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 10:56:03 что показывает ps при загруженном stargazer: [root@server ~]# ps -aux | grep stargazer Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See http://procps.sf.net/faq.html root 5142 0.0 0.6 2932 784 pts/2 S+ 17:37 0:00 grep --color stargazer [root@server ~]# stargazer [root@server ~]# ps -aux | grep stargazer Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See http://procps.sf.net/faq.html root 5755 3.0 1.8 86308 2388 ? S<sl 18:52 0:00 stargazer root 5774 0.0 0.5 2908 700 pts/2 R+ 18:52 0:00 grep --color stargazer [root@server ~]# Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах
Ivan4 0 Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 11:23:34 Автор Share Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 11:23:34 Если нет конекта, смотри файрвол. незнаю, но сомневаюсь т.к. если я ставлю во всех 3х цепочках политику ACCEPT то всё равно правила указанные в файле OnConnect не добавляются в фаервол (iptables), но запись в /var/stargazer/users/test/connect.log идёт [root@server stargazer]# cd /var/stargazer/users/test[root@server test]# cat /var/stargazer/users/test/connect.log C 2007.04.20-01.50.57 60.000000 D 2007.04.20-01.51.22 60.000000 C 2007.04.20-01.53.06 60.000000 D 2007.04.20-01.53.13 60.000000 C 2007.04.20-01.54.12 60.000000 D 2007.04.20-02.03.03 60.000000 C 2007.04.20-02.03.04 60.000000 C 2007.04.20-02.08.56 60.000000 D 2007.04.20-02.10.48 60.000000 C 2007.04.20-02.10.49 60.000000 D 2007.04.20-02.17.28 60.000000 C 2007.04.20-02.17.32 60.000000 D 2007.04.20-02.27.28 60.000000 C 2007.04.20-02.28.45 60.000000 C 2007.04.20-18.52.22 60.000000 [root@server test]# а на счёт файлов OnUserAdd OnUserDel OnChange думаю что они не выполняются вообще, у меня нет лог файлов которые должны создаться в каталоге /var/stargazer при выполнении любого из этих скриптов: [root@server ~]# cd /var/stargazer[root@server stargazer]# ls -l ¦¬TВ¦-¦¦¦- 6 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 ¦Р¦¬TА 17 17:38 admins/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 ¦Р¦¬TА 17 17:38 corps/ drwx------ 3 root root 1024 ¦Р¦¬TА 19 18:07 deleted_users/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 ¦Р¦¬TА 17 17:38 services/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 ¦Р¦¬TА 19 19:12 tariffs/ drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 1024 ¦Р¦¬TА 19 18:08 users/ [root@server stargazer]# Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах
Neelix 33 Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 12:29:38 Share Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 12:29:38 У тебя точно последняя версия Inetaccess? и sgconfig? Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах
Neelix 33 Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 12:30:39 Share Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 12:30:39 стучись в аську, помогу пофиксить Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах
Колян 2 Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 12:34:13 Share Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 12:34:13 Попробуй перезапустить стг. Убей все процессы стг и запусти заново. У меня такая бяка. При загрузке системы не хочет выполнять онконнект и ондисконнект. Убиваешь все процессы, запускаешь заново, как часы работает. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах
Neelix 33 Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 13:13:47 Share Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 13:13:47 я пользуюсь SNAT, так удобнее смотреть кто в онлайн /sbin/iptables -L -t nat и видно, что OnConnect сделал все как нужно Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах
Ivan4 0 Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 18:28:09 Автор Share Опубліковано: 2007-04-20 18:28:09 Вообщем разобрался я со скриптами OnConnect и OnDisconnect. Проблема с правилами была из-за регистра букв в обозначении переманных. Исправил и всё заработало. А вот скрипты OnUserAdd OnUserDel и OnChange так и не заработали пока. Быувы там в обном регистре везде, но тем не мение файлов что должны создавать - они не создают. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах
Cell 7 Опубліковано: 2007-04-24 07:53:15 Share Опубліковано: 2007-04-24 07:53:15 Вообщем разобрался я со скриптами OnConnect и OnDisconnect. Проблема с правилами была из-за регистра букв в обозначении переманных. Исправил и всё заработало. А вот скрипты OnUserAdd OnUserDel и OnChange так и не заработали пока. Быувы там в обном регистре везде, но тем не мение файлов что должны создавать - они не создают. Долго я парился в свое время с этим приколом.... на одних системах работало, а на других нет ))) и знаете в чем прикол был? в начале скрипта надо указывать #!/bin/bash )))) смиялсы долго, но помогло Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах
MonoLeXX 0 Опубліковано: 2007-06-04 05:49:47 Share Опубліковано: 2007-06-04 05:49:47 )))) смиялсы долго, но помогло Блин! Весь моск сломал! Но Работает! Во фре даже не задумывался об этом, а Мандрива выпендрилась Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах
dnserg 6 Опубліковано: 2007-06-08 10:22:56 Share Опубліковано: 2007-06-08 10:22:56 Я аж заплакал от счастья, честно... Спасибо ребята, мозг тоже сломал, все права, всё проверил.. Как всегда бок там, где меньше всего этого ждешь .. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах
egor2fsys 5 Опубліковано: 2007-06-08 14:11:31 Share Опубліковано: 2007-06-08 14:11:31 Впредь надо смотреть, а есть ли указанный интерпретатор в системе или нет. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах
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