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SNMP и OLT Dasan

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в первоисточниках Dasana сказано(оригинал во вложении):

               7.1.1       SNMP Community

                           Only an authorized person can access SNMP agent by configuring SNMP community
                           with a community name and additional information.

                           To configure SNMP community to allow an authorized person to access, use the following

                                         Command                     Mode                             Description

                             snmp community {ro | rw}                            Creates SNMP community.

                             COMMUNITY [A.B.C.D] [OID]                           COMMUNITY: community name
                             no snmp community {ro | rw}
                                                                                 Deletes created community.

                           You can configure up to 3 SNMP communities for each read-only and read-write.


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User Manual                                                                                                                                 UMN:CLI

                               To display configured SNMP community, use the following command.

                                             Command                          Mode                                Description


                                show snmp community                          Global        Shows created SNMP community.


                               The following is an example of creating 2 SNMP communities.

                                    SWITCH(config)# snmp community ro public

                                    SWITCH(config)# snmp community rw private
                                    SWITCH(config)# show snmp community

                                    Community List

                                    Type Community                    Source                     OID


                                    ro      public
                                    rw      private



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User manual SNR-OLT-4x-8GC.pdf

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