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Hello friends, I'm trying to understand this problem, every 15min there is ICMP loss and high latency in my OLT, the network is OK and I can detect this problem from a router connected to the mgmt interface so I think it is some internal routine from OLT, can anyone help me on this? Thanks. output
Есть OLT BDCOM P3310C Build 43480 у нее на одном из pon портов висят онушки(класика все как обычно темплейт все дала) epon onu-config-template E1000 cmd-sequence 001 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 10000 cmd-sequence 002 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 10000 cmd-sequence 003 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag <каждая ону в своем отдельном влане> ! interface EPON0/1 epon pre-config-template E1000 binded-onu-llid 1-64 switchport mode trunk switchport protected 1 ! все вланы транком уходят на комутацию за каждо