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BDCOM p3310C + EPON SFP 4шт

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  • Схожий контент

    • Від Axel K
      Вітаю спільноту!
      Є пон мережа на BDCOM p3310d. Задача розмістити точки доступу UNIFI.
      При налаштуванні самих точок підключених до роутера проблем не виникло.
      При підключенні напряму до ону точка іп отримує, на пінг відповідає, але в додатку не з'являється і при підключенні до вайфай іп клієнту не видає.
      Прошу підказки.
    • Від AlinaQuan
      Last mile PON device manufacturer from China, supplying device to PLDT, VIETTEL, CHINA MOBILE  & ISPs, Distributors, etc
      OLT: 4, 8, 16, 32 ports
      XPON ONU auto adaptive, 1GE, 4GE with VOIP, USB, CATV ports
      Viber: +86 18086327779
      Skype: alinaquan14@hotmail.com
      GPON 16 port OLT
      Focuscom 2U XGSPON OLT, 
      MPSA: main control board, 4*10GE/GE SFP+, 2*100G QSFP28 
      GP16A: 16-port GPON line card 
      CS16A: 16-port GPON/XG/XGSPON combo line card, etc
      XGSPON ONU 1GE+10GE Directly factory
    • Від Diter_ua
      после модернизации.
      хотелка 15к грн

    • Від yustadller
      Реєструєм onu через NETNUMEN U31, після реєстрації не зберігає онушку, мигнуло світло і всі онушки злітають, як встановити автоматичний запис, в конфігах ZTE чи в NETNUMEN можна? 
    • Від AlinaQuan
      Title: "Unraveling the Wonders of PON Networks: A Brief History and EPON OLT 4-Port Product Showcase!"
      Hey everyone! 👋 Let's dive into the fascinating journey of PON networks and check out our star product: EPON OLT 4-Port! 🌟
      Once upon a time, in the realm of networking, there arose a need for faster, more efficient connections. Enter PON (Passive Optical Network), a revolutionary technology that changed the game! 💡
      PON's story begins with its humble origins, evolving from traditional Ethernet setups to the lightning-fast Fiber Optic realm. Imagine data zooming through optical fibers like magic! ✨
      Now, let's shine the spotlight on our hero: EPON OLT 4-Port! This mighty device is the heart of your PON network, serving as the gateway to high-speed internet dreams. With four ports to connect and empower your network, it's a powerhouse of connectivity! 💪
      But wait, there's more! EPON OLT 4-Port isn't just about speed; it's also about reliability and scalability. Whether you're a small business or a bustling enterprise, this gem scales effortlessly to meet your needs. It's like having a superhero at your service 24/7! 🦸‍♂️💨
      So, dear friends, as we journey through the annals of networking history, let's embrace the marvels of PON and bask in the glory of EPON OLT 4-Port. Faster connections, smoother operations, and endless possibilities await! 🚀
      Join the PON revolution today with EPON OLT 4-Port – where dreams meet connectivity, one fiber at a time! ✨ #PONPower #EPON #FastConnections
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