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BDCOM 3310 не загружается.


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Коллеги подскажите куда копать. Стоял себе OLT работал ни кого не трогал и вдруг решил что хватит. При включении горит power и мигает sys.

Подключился UART увидел следующее.

validate buffer 0x00002000 len 0x00076000                   
flash id: 0xffffffff                                        
flash type not supported or flash not available             
eth boot                                                    
ftp: err 2                                                  
image crc32 or len wrong                                    
!!!failed. r�validate buffer 0x00002000 len 0x00076000      
flash id: 0xffffffff                                        
flash type not supported or flash not available             
eth boot                                                    
image crc f64d5cce len 98f94                                
running image at 10000                                      
SRAM Test Size 0x00200000 Start 0x000a8f48
SRAM Test Size Check Passed.
SRAM Test 8 Bit Byte R/W Passed.
SRAM Test 16 Bit Half-Word R/W Passed.
SRAM Test 32 Bit Word R/W Passed.
SRAM Test Passed.
to call post_stage3
DDR Test Started.
DDR Test Passed.
olt_aal_thread created
dba_thread created
olt_appl_thread created
olt_shell_thread created
logger thread created
Flash CTC OUI: 0x11 0x11 0x11

iROS OLT Sep 29 2013 15:10:17
  h                     - show help
  v                     - show version and iros information
  v t                   - show threads debug info
  v module test_number  - asic verification
  v aal                 - aal unit test
  d m     addr len      - dump memory
  d e     addr len      - dump eeprom
  d p     pool_id [0|1] - dump memory pool info.
                          flag 0 for all blocks. 1 for corrupted blocks only
  d c                   - dump cpuload info.
  b                     - dump/set by bytes
  w                     - dump/set by words
  s m     addr val      - set memory to value
  s dis_mode            - set mpcp discovery mode
  s crc_mode            - set mpcp crc8 mode
  s f     dst_port      - set epon forwarding port
  g addr                - start execution at addr
  p cpu                 - show cpu port
  p onu                 - show onu status
  p stats               - show stats
  p thread info         - show thread info
  p thread count        - show thread count
  p mdio device addr    - show mdio
  c stats               - clear stats
  c onu                 - clear onu
  t arp   port [bypass] - transmit arp frame
  t oam   port llid     - transimit oam packet
  t dereg port llid     - deregister onu
  m [level [mod]] - set logging level, default 7 for critical
  k 0|1           - software watchdog timer enable 1; disable 0
olt->eeprom modes_and_oam_version = 0x0
Test bank 0xba3 row 0x0fff col 0x000 - 0x004
Write Pattern 0x55aa55aa
Verify Passed
Test bank 0xba3 row 0x0fff col 0x000 - 0x004
Write Pattern 0xaa55aa55
Verify Passed
oam_isp_init g_isp_idx = 0
0000000b:7:19 cpuload calibration 855512
0000009d:7:18 EVENT: send control frame 0x172cb0
00000101:7:18 event_tx_start change the event Dest MAC 
protocol=7, direction=2, action=1, forward_port=0x00000000
protocol=7, direction=1, action=1, forward_port=0x00000000
protocol=5, direction=2, action=7, forward_port=0x00000000
protocol=4, direction=2, action=7, forward_port=0x00000000
protocol=15, direction=2, action=3, forward_port=0x00000000

И все дальше ни чего. Не реагирует на клавиатуру даже.

А еще подскажите правильные настройки под UART. 

У меня такие 38400 8N1

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  • 2 weeks later...
В 15.03.2023 в 11:08, voxlv сказал:

Коллеги подскажите куда копать. Стоял себе OLT работал ни кого не трогал и вдруг решил что хватит. При включении горит power и мигает sys.

Подключился UART увидел следующее.

validate buffer 0x00002000 len 0x00076000                   
flash id: 0xffffffff                                        
flash type not supported or flash not available             
eth boot                                                    
ftp: err 2                                                  
image crc32 or len wrong                                    
!!!failed. r�validate buffer 0x00002000 len 0x00076000      
flash id: 0xffffffff                                        
flash type not supported or flash not available             
eth boot                                                    
image crc f64d5cce len 98f94                                
running image at 10000                                      
SRAM Test Size 0x00200000 Start 0x000a8f48
SRAM Test Size Check Passed.
SRAM Test 8 Bit Byte R/W Passed.
SRAM Test 16 Bit Half-Word R/W Passed.
SRAM Test 32 Bit Word R/W Passed.
SRAM Test Passed.
to call post_stage3
DDR Test Started.
DDR Test Passed.
olt_aal_thread created
dba_thread created
olt_appl_thread created
olt_shell_thread created
logger thread created
Flash CTC OUI: 0x11 0x11 0x11

iROS OLT Sep 29 2013 15:10:17
  h                     - show help
  v                     - show version and iros information
  v t                   - show threads debug info
  v module test_number  - asic verification
  v aal                 - aal unit test
  d m     addr len      - dump memory
  d e     addr len      - dump eeprom
  d p     pool_id [0|1] - dump memory pool info.
                          flag 0 for all blocks. 1 for corrupted blocks only
  d c                   - dump cpuload info.
  b                     - dump/set by bytes
  w                     - dump/set by words
  s m     addr val      - set memory to value
  s dis_mode            - set mpcp discovery mode
  s crc_mode            - set mpcp crc8 mode
  s f     dst_port      - set epon forwarding port
  g addr                - start execution at addr
  p cpu                 - show cpu port
  p onu                 - show onu status
  p stats               - show stats
  p thread info         - show thread info
  p thread count        - show thread count
  p mdio device addr    - show mdio
  c stats               - clear stats
  c onu                 - clear onu
  t arp   port [bypass] - transmit arp frame
  t oam   port llid     - transimit oam packet
  t dereg port llid     - deregister onu
  m [level [mod]] - set logging level, default 7 for critical
  k 0|1           - software watchdog timer enable 1; disable 0
olt->eeprom modes_and_oam_version = 0x0
Test bank 0xba3 row 0x0fff col 0x000 - 0x004
Write Pattern 0x55aa55aa
Verify Passed
Test bank 0xba3 row 0x0fff col 0x000 - 0x004
Write Pattern 0xaa55aa55
Verify Passed
oam_isp_init g_isp_idx = 0
0000000b:7:19 cpuload calibration 855512
0000009d:7:18 EVENT: send control frame 0x172cb0
00000101:7:18 event_tx_start change the event Dest MAC 
protocol=7, direction=2, action=1, forward_port=0x00000000
protocol=7, direction=1, action=1, forward_port=0x00000000
protocol=5, direction=2, action=7, forward_port=0x00000000
protocol=4, direction=2, action=7, forward_port=0x00000000
protocol=15, direction=2, action=3, forward_port=0x00000000

И все дальше ни чего. Не реагирует на клавиатуру даже.

А еще подскажите правильные настройки под UART. 

У меня такие 38400 8N1

Если буквы видно, то со скоростью угадали, если на клавиатуру не реагирует попробуйте поиграться с программным/аппаратным управлением потока.




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