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About solarbg

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  1. Hello, if your multicast vlan is 4001 so you need to add in this interface "interface GigaEthernet0/5"
  2. interface EPON0/1 epon pre-config-template sprint binded-onu-llid 1-64 epon bind-onu mac 8479.7399.cba9 1 epon bind-onu mac 8479.7399.d74f 2 filter dhcp switchport trunk vlan-allowed MNG,IPTV switchport mode trunk switchport protected 1 flow-control on ! interface EPON0/1:1 ! interface EPON0/1:2 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 10 switchport port-security mode dynamic epon onu port 1 ctc vlan mode tag 64 priority 0 epon onu port 1 ctc mcst tag-stripe enable epon onu port 1 ctc mcst mc-vlan add IPTV epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 19200 epon sla downstream pir 100000
  3. Hello, anyone knows default telnet login username and password for BDCOM onu. For version who i have always username and password is admin This is the version who work logins 10.0.16A 1023, 10.0.16A 1047, 10.0.16A 1051, 10.0.16A 1054 All is 4 port bdcom onu Now i have new version on 4 port bdcom onu Software Version : 10.0.24B.418 and don`t know default user and pass
  4. Well i need to be on web not in windows software.
  5. <html> <head> <style> table { font-family: arial, sans-serif; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } td, th { border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #dddddd; } </style> </head> <body> <?php $time1= date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $ip=''; $ro='public'; $session = new SNMP(SNMP::VERSION_2C, $ip, $ro); $ifDescr = $session->walk(".", TRUE); $ifAlias = $session->walk("IF-MIB::ifAlias", TRUE); $ifSpeed = $session->walk(".
  6. solarbg

    BDCOM P3310C

    Полезные ссылки ОЛТ BDCOM P3310C firmware #last 11.7.2017 ftp://ftp.romsat.ua/pub/Lan/BDCOM/P3310C/BD_3310C_10.1.0E_43480_en.bin ( Работает без проблем | dhcp, pppoe, multicast ) #old Firmware ftp://ftp.romsat.ua/pub/Lan/BDCOM/P3310C/ ONU #last P1504C1 ftp://ftp.romsat.ua/pub/Lan/BDCOM/P1504C1/P1504C1_10.0.16A_1054.zblob ( fix bug - 4 port switch in 10 MB some time ) BDCOM P3310C Software, Version 10.1.0D Build 33463 uptime is 486:08:41:00, The current time: 2017-9-15 19:23:2 BDCOM P3310C Software, Version 10.1.0E Build 43480 uptime is 58:08:36:42, The current time: 2017
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