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P3616-2TE 100% загрузка CPU.


Рекомендованные сообщения

Только что, ISK сказал:

Вот ещё: проверьте, не греется ли чип? С броадкомовскими чипами есть такая беда...


Сейчас прошло 10 минут длилось, в логах ничего нет.

Ссылка на сообщение
Поделиться на других сайтах
6 минут назад, drooms сказал:

Сейчас прошло 10 минут длилось, в логах ничего нет.

Совсем ничего?

Ссылка на сообщение
Поделиться на других сайтах

А какие программы мониторят по SNMP ? Попробуй на время отключить.

Примерный график загрузки процессора


Мой конфиг. 

!version 10.1.0E build 43480
service timestamps log date
service timestamps debug date
service password-encryption
logging buffered 100000
logging console errors
logging facility local5
hostname BD-16
port-protected 1
no spanning-tree
ip access-list extended subs.filter
 deny   tcp any any eq 135
 deny   tcp any any eq 136
 deny   tcp any any eq 137
 deny   tcp any any eq 138
 deny   tcp any any eq 445
 deny   udp any any eq 68
 permit ip any any
aaa authentication login ssh-auth local
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication enable default none
aaa authorization exec default local
username admin password 7 121212121212121212121212

epon dynamic-binding-timeout 40
epon oam-version 1 0x21
epon oam-version 2 0x20
epon onu-config-template P-12
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 512
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-13
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 513
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-14
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 514
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-15
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 515
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-16
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 516
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-0
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 500
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-1
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 501
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-2
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 502
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-3
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 503
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-4
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 504
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-5
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 505
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-6
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 506
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-7
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 507
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-8
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 508
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-9
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 509
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-10
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 510
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-11
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 511
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-20
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 520
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
interface Null0
interface FastEthernet0/1
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
!!slot 0 85
interface GigaEthernet0/1
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 storm-control broadcast threshold 5000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface GigaEthernet0/2
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 storm-control broadcast threshold 5000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface GigaEthernet0/3
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 storm-control broadcast threshold 5000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface GigaEthernet0/4
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 storm-control broadcast threshold 5000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface GigaEthernet0/5
 description UpLink
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  arp inspection trust
  ip-source trust
 storm-control broadcast threshold 50000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface GigaEthernet0/6
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 storm-control broadcast threshold 5000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface GigaEthernet0/7
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 storm-control broadcast threshold 5000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface GigaEthernet0/8
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 storm-control broadcast threshold 5000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface TGigaEthernet0/1
 description UpLink-10G
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  arp inspection trust
  ip-source trust
 storm-control broadcast threshold 50000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface TGigaEthernet0/2
 description 10G
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  arp inspection trust
  ip-source trust
 storm-control broadcast threshold 50000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface EPON0/1
 description PON-1
 epon pre-config-template P-20 binded-onu-llid 36-64
 epon pre-config-template P-1 binded-onu-llid 1-35
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 500-501,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
 ip access-group subs.filter
 switchport protected 1
interface EPON0/1:1
  epon onu port 1 ctc vlan mode tag 501 priority 0
interface VLAN1
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN50
 description MANAGEMENT
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN500
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN501
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN502
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN503
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN504
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN505
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN506
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN507
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN508
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN509
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN510
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN511
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN512
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN513
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN514
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN515
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN516
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN520
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
vlan 1,50,500-516,520
ip dhcpd enable
ip dhcp-relay snooping
ip dhcp-relay snooping vlan  500-516,520
ip verify source vlan  500-516,520
ip dhcp-relay snooping write-time 2
ip dhcp-relay snooping write-immediately
ip dhcp-relay snooping information option format hn-type
ip dhcp-relay snooping log
ip route default
ip exf
ipv6 exf
ip http server
snmp-server community 0 public RO
snmp-server community 0 public1 RW
banner message
 text Hello, beloved
ip sshd auth-method ssh-auth
ip sshd timeout 3600
ip sshd save
ip sshd enable
time-zone tz 2 0
ntp server
ntp server
!Pending configurations for absent linecards:
!No configurations pending global


Ссылка на сообщение
Поделиться на других сайтах
Опубліковано: (відредаговано)
2 часа назад, vovchokig сказал:

А какие программы мониторят по SNMP ? Попробуй на время отключить.

Примерный график загрузки процессора


Мой конфиг. 

!version 10.1.0E build 43480
service timestamps log date
service timestamps debug date
service password-encryption
logging buffered 100000
logging console errors
logging facility local5
hostname BD-16
port-protected 1
no spanning-tree
ip access-list extended subs.filter
 deny   tcp any any eq 135
 deny   tcp any any eq 136
 deny   tcp any any eq 137
 deny   tcp any any eq 138
 deny   tcp any any eq 445
 deny   udp any any eq 68
 permit ip any any
aaa authentication login ssh-auth local
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication enable default none
aaa authorization exec default local
username admin password 7 121212121212121212121212

epon dynamic-binding-timeout 40
epon oam-version 1 0x21
epon oam-version 2 0x20
epon onu-config-template P-12
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 512
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-13
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 513
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-14
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 514
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-15
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 515
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-16
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 516
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-0
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 500
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-1
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 501
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-2
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 502
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-3
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 503
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-4
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 504
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-5
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 505
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-6
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 506
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-7
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 507
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-8
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 508
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-9
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 509
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-10
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 510
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-11
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 511
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
epon onu-config-template P-20
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 520
 cmd-sequence 002 epon onu all-port loopback detect
interface Null0
interface FastEthernet0/1
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
!!slot 0 85
interface GigaEthernet0/1
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 storm-control broadcast threshold 5000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface GigaEthernet0/2
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 storm-control broadcast threshold 5000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface GigaEthernet0/3
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 storm-control broadcast threshold 5000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface GigaEthernet0/4
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 storm-control broadcast threshold 5000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface GigaEthernet0/5
 description UpLink
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  arp inspection trust
  ip-source trust
 storm-control broadcast threshold 50000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface GigaEthernet0/6
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 storm-control broadcast threshold 5000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface GigaEthernet0/7
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 storm-control broadcast threshold 5000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface GigaEthernet0/8
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 storm-control broadcast threshold 5000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface TGigaEthernet0/1
 description UpLink-10G
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  arp inspection trust
  ip-source trust
 storm-control broadcast threshold 50000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface TGigaEthernet0/2
 description 10G
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,500-516,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  arp inspection trust
  ip-source trust
 storm-control broadcast threshold 50000
 storm-control multicast threshold 500
 storm-control unicast threshold 80000
interface EPON0/1
 description PON-1
 epon pre-config-template P-20 binded-onu-llid 36-64
 epon pre-config-template P-1 binded-onu-llid 1-35
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 500-501,520
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
 ip access-group subs.filter
 switchport protected 1
interface EPON0/1:1
  epon onu port 1 ctc vlan mode tag 501 priority 0
interface VLAN1
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN50
 description MANAGEMENT
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN500
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN501
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN502
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN503
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN504
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN505
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN506
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN507
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN508
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN509
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN510
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN511
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN512
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN513
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN514
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN515
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN516
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface VLAN520
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
vlan 1,50,500-516,520
ip dhcpd enable
ip dhcp-relay snooping
ip dhcp-relay snooping vlan  500-516,520
ip verify source vlan  500-516,520
ip dhcp-relay snooping write-time 2
ip dhcp-relay snooping write-immediately
ip dhcp-relay snooping information option format hn-type
ip dhcp-relay snooping log
ip route default
ip exf
ipv6 exf
ip http server
snmp-server community 0 public RO
snmp-server community 0 public1 RW
banner message
 text Hello, beloved
ip sshd auth-method ssh-auth
ip sshd timeout 3600
ip sshd save
ip sshd enable
time-zone tz 2 0
ntp server
ntp server
!Pending configurations for absent linecards:
!No configurations pending global




Спасибо за конфиг, буду пробовать, заметил что происходит это 1 раз в час.Отпишусь сразу если решу.


А чем вы мониторите? Я какти пользуюсь.

Відредаговано drooms
Ссылка на сообщение
Поделиться на других сайтах

У меня Zabbix, и Poncontrol. Для серии bdcom 3600 это не страшно, а bdcom3310b очень тормозит, поэтому его стараюсь по минимуму опрашивать snmp.

Но Poncontrol буду менять на Pon monitor, когда допилю под себя.


Відредаговано vovchokig
Ссылка на сообщение
Поделиться на других сайтах
21 час назад, vovchokig сказал:

У меня Zabbix, и Poncontrol. Для серии bdcom 3600 это не страшно, а bdcom3310b очень тормозит, поэтому его стараюсь по минимуму опрашивать snmp.

Но Poncontrol буду менять на Pon monitor, когда допилю под себя.


А poncontrol где и как и что?Можно подробней?

Ссылка на сообщение
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Создайте аккаунт или войдите в него для комментирования

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Создать аккаунт

Зарегистрируйтесь для получения аккаунта. Это просто!

Зарегистрировать аккаунт


Уже зарегистрированы? Войдите здесь.

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  • Зараз на сторінці   0 користувачів

    Немає користувачів, що переглядають цю сторінку.

  • Схожий контент

    • Від alexeya
      Продам оборудование в связи с прекращением деятельности телеком-оператора в Донецкой области.
      Eltex MES2324FB в отличном состоянии (8 штук) - 13.000 грн
      Eltex MES5324 (24 SFP+, 4 QSFP) - 62.000 грн
      Extreme Networks X620-16x (16 SFP+) - 42.000 грн
      OLT ZTE C320 (GTGH (K00) * 2, PRAM, SMXA (A31) - 32 GPON ports, C++ модули, 10G плата управления. Состояние близкое к новому (был в эксплуатации пол года) - 110.000грн, новый 125.000 грн.
      Juniper MX80 (MX5-T upgraded to MX80, 16 subsribers, все лицензии есть), есть 2 штуки. - 1700$
      Кабель бухтами (в Павлограде, могу привезти в Днепр или отправка деливери/нп)
      ОКТ-Д(1.0)-2Е1-0,36Ф3,5/0,22Н18-2 — 3000м - 3.5 грн/метр 
      ОКЗ(б2,7)Т-008(7,8 мм) — бухти 3840 и 4000 м - 13 грн/метр
      ОЦБгП-8А1(1х8) 2,7 кН — 2 бухти по 3830 м - 13 грн/метр

    • Від Hamster_Serg
      Таке запитання чи хтось використовував 10G порт на олті(BDCOM GP3600-16B) як магістраль для наступного комутатора( комутатор<->олт<->комутатор)?
      І чи пробували транзитом пропускати QinQ з 3 мітками VLAN(QinQ в QinQ)?
    • Від Hamster_Serg
      Всім привіт.
      В мене з'явилася проблема з BDCOM(tm) GP3600-16B прошивка Version 10.3.0D Build 124190.
      Проблема в наступному, що коли додаєш VLAN на порт або просто створюєш, олт бутається через 10 секунд.
      Після цього все працює стабільно і можна додавати без всяких проблем.
      Чи була в когось така проблема ?
      Дякую за відповідь
    • Від Чучундра
      Добрий день.
      Буду вдячний якщо хтось поділиться робочим конфігом щоб прокинути на ЛАН порт ОНУ декілька VLAN-ів з тегами.
    • Від jaroslav2r
      Добрий день,
      Виникла проблема з DHCP snooping на одному з наших OLT DASAN V5808. При його увімкненні клієнти перестають отримувати IP-адреси через DHCP. Оновлення прошивки до версії V5808 NOS 1.12p1 не допомогло. На інших OLT така проблема не спостерігається.
      DHCP snooping налаштовано за допомогою наступних команд, де uplink — порт 15:
      Copy code
      ip dhcp snooping
      ip dhcp snooping vlan 665
      ip dhcp snooping trust 15
      Хтось стикався з подібною проблемою і знайшов рішення?
      We’re experiencing an issue with DHCP snooping on one of our DASAN V5808 OLTs. When DHCP snooping is enabled, clients stop receiving DHCP offers. Updating the firmware to version V5808 NOS 1.12p1 didn’t resolve the problem. Other OLTs don’t seem to have this issue.
      The DHCP snooping configuration was done with the following commands:

      ip dhcp snooping
      ip dhcp snooping vlan 665
      ip dhcp snooping trust 15
      uplink —  15 port
      Has anyone encountered this problem and managed to fix it?
  • Створити нове...