[BCOM P3310B] Проблема с прошивкой
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Від vit_
Продам BDCOM P3310B (Вживаний) стояв у серверній .
Повністю робочій, з кабелем живлення і вухами в комплекті.
+2 модулі EPON sfp PX++ (Вживаний)
+5 ONU EPON (Вживаний)
Ціна 7000 грн
Від Xiovi
Здравствуйте. Есть OLT BDCOM p3310b и зоопарк онушек. В олт подключено 3 epon spf. Всего 114 onu. В последнее время появились жалобы, и начались проблемы с работой. Периодически в разное время и с разным промежутком у абонентов пропадает PON-Link. Через 3-5 минут, опять появляется. При этом, медный приход на OLT пропадает на 5-60 сек. Тоже каждый раз по разному. Отключение OLT на 5-10 минут не помогает. Через время опять начинаются проблемы. OLT разбирали, думали много пыли, и оно перегревается, но там всё в порядке. Единственное, что сильно нагревается, это чип Broadcom (фото взято из интернета)
Версия прошивки OLT:
BDCOM(tm) P3310B Software, Version 10.1.0B Build 36687
Copyright by Shanghai Baud Data Communication CO. LTD.
Compiled: 2016-7-21 16:48:14 by SYS_36687, Image text-base: 0x80008000
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 0.3.9, Serial num:00313007599
System image file is "switch.bin"
(RISC) processor with 131072K bytes of memory, 8192K bytes of flash
Base ethernet MAC Address: 00:e0:0f:40:7a:10
snmp info:
product_ID:228 system_ID:
GPON uptime is 0:23:05:33, The current time: 2019-5-9 12:10:50
Логи с OLT:
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:51:32 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:15's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:51:30 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:15's OAM Operational Status: Operational
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:51:28 %EPON-ONUAUTHEN: ONU e067.b383.eee2 is authenticated on EPON0/1:15.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:51:28 %EPON-ONUREG: ONU e067.b383.eee2 is registered on EPON0/1:15.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:50:56 %EPON-ONUDEREG: ONU e067.b383.eee2 is deregistered on EPON0/1:15.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:50:55 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:15's OAM Operational Status: Linkfault
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:50:55 value 0
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:50:55 threshold 0
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:50:55 window 0
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:50:55 timestamp 0
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:50:55 Alarm DYING_GASP from ONU e067.b383.eee2 port EPON0/1:15
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:50:55 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:15's OAM Operational Status: SendLocalAndRemoteOk
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:48:46 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:10's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:48:44 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:10's OAM Operational Status: Operational
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:48:43 %EPON-ONUAUTHEN: ONU 1c87.7490.7d9f is authenticated on EPON0/1:10.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:48:43 %EPON-ONUREG: ONU 1c87.7490.7d9f is registered on EPON0/1:10.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:48:8 %EPON-ONUDEREG: ONU 1c87.7490.7d9f is deregistered on EPON0/1:10.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:48:7 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:10's OAM Operational Status: Linkfault
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:48:7 value 0
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:48:7 threshold 0
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:48:7 window 0
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:48:7 timestamp 0
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:48:7 Alarm DYING_GASP from ONU 1c87.7490.7d9f port EPON0/1:10
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:48:7 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:10's OAM Operational Status: SendLocalAndRemoteOk
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:45:39 %OLT: Interface EPON0/2:1's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:45:37 %OLT: Interface EPON0/2:9's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:45:36 %OLT: Interface EPON0/2:1's OAM Operational Status: Operational
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:45:35 %EPON-ONUAUTHEN: ONU e067.b30b.21ad is authenticated on EPON0/2:1.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:45:35 %EPON-ONUREG: ONU e067.b30b.21ad is registered on EPON0/2:1.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:45:35 %OLT: Interface EPON0/2:9's OAM Operational Status: Operational
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:45:33 %EPON-ONUAUTHEN: ONU a0c6.ec01.053a is authenticated on EPON0/2:9.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:45:33 %EPON-ONUREG: ONU a0c6.ec01.053a is registered on EPON0/2:9.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:45:18 %EPON-ONUDEREG: ONU e067.b30b.21ad is deregistered on EPON0/2:1.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:45:17 %OLT: Interface EPON0/2:1's OAM Operational Status: SendLocalAndRemote
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:45:17 %OLT: Interface EPON0/2:1's OAM Operational Status: Linkfault
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:45:17 value 0
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:45:17 threshold 0
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:45:17 window 0
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:45:17 timestamp 0
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:45:17 Alarm DYING_GASP from ONU e067.b30b.21ad port EPON0/2:1
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:38 %OLT: Interface EPON0/2:5's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:36 %OLT: Interface EPON0/2:5's OAM Operational Status: Operational
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:34 %EPON-ONUAUTHEN: ONU 1c87.7490.78bd is authenticated on EPON0/2:5.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:34 %EPON-ONUREG: ONU 1c87.7490.78bd is registered on EPON0/2:5.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:28 %EPON-ONUDEREG: ONU a0c6.ec01.053a is deregistered on EPON0/2:9.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:23 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:19's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:20 %EPON-ONUAUTHEN: ONU 1c87.7490.0831 is authenticated on EPON0/1:19.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:20 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:19's OAM Operational Status: Operational
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:20 %EPON-ONUREG: ONU 1c87.7490.0831 is registered on EPON0/1:19.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:18 %EPON-ONUDEREG: ONU 1c87.7490.0831 is deregistered on EPON0/1:19.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:11 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:62's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:11 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:63's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:11 %OLT: Interface EPON0/3:36's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:10 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:62's OAM Operational Status: Operational
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:10 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:63's OAM Operational Status: Operational
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:10 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:59's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:10 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:48's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:10 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:61's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:10 %OLT: Interface EPON0/3:36's OAM Operational Status: Operational
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:9 %EPON-ONUAUTHEN: ONU 1c87.7490.e591 is authenticated on EPON0/1:62.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:8 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:10's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:8 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:32's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:8 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:9's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:8 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:25's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:8 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:36's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:8 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:35's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:8 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:33's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:8 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:41's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:8 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:6's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:8 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:26's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:8 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:11's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:6 %EPON-ONUAUTHEN: ONU fcfa.f7c5.a009 is authenticated on EPON0/1:23.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:5 ONU register on interface EPON0/1:23 again!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %EPON-ONUAUTHEN: ONU a0c6.ec01.0537 is authenticated on EPON0/1:27.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %EPON-ONUAUTHEN: ONU 1c87.7912.11f9 is authenticated on EPON0/1:54.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %EPON-ONUAUTHEN: ONU a0c6.ec01.0542 is authenticated on EPON0/1:40.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %EPON-ONUAUTHEN: ONU a0c6.ec01.0534 is authenticated on EPON0/1:42.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 ONU register on interface EPON0/1:6 again!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 ONU register on interface EPON0/1:26 again!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 ONU register on interface EPON0/1:11 again!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %EPON-ONUAUTHEN: ONU 1c87.7490.0654 is authenticated on EPON0/1:32.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/3:23's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/3:19's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/3:15's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:20's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/3:20's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:44's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/3:21's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:40's OAM Operational Status: Operational
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:9's OAM Operational Status: Operational
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:27's OAM Operational Status: Operational
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:42's OAM Operational Status: Operational
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:10's OAM Operational Status: Operational
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:37's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:54's OAM Operational Status: Operational
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/2:12's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:18's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/3:25's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:16's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:55's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:24's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:38's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:30's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:45's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:22's CTC OAM extension negotiated successfully!
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %OLT: Interface EPON0/1:23's OAM Operational Status: Operational
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %EPON-ONUAUTHEN: ONU 1c87.7490.7d9f is authenticated on EPON0/1:10.
warnings(4) MAY 9 11:44:3 %EPON-ONUREG: ONU fcfa.f7c5.a009 is registered on EPON0/1:23.
Извиняюсь, если что то не так объяснил.
Может у кого то были подобные проблемы, надеюсь на вашу помощь.
Заранее благодарен.
Від casperua
Продам OLT BDCOM P3310C + 4 sfp + ІБП (вмонтований у олт), ціна 360 доларів
Стан: б/у
Email: info@itlux.net
Від a_n_h
После "модернизации" освободились 3-и шт BDCOM P3310B, цена 11000 грн за шт, все 3 дешевле.
Від a_n_h
Доброго времени суток и всех благ в наступающем году!
Вопрос коллегам "по несчастью", кто какое нашел решение проблемы с отвалом PON портов при включении эл.энергии у абонов и массовой одновременной регистрации ОНУшек. Все предложения замены конденсаторов и т.п. сразу отпадают, проблема программная, а не аппаратная.
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