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BDCOM 3616 проблема

Kto To

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Столкнулись с проблемой с BDCOM 3616. ОЛТ загруженный онушками процентов на 70-75.

Территориально клиенты в одном двух рядом стоящих населенных пунктах.

При пропадании/появлении электропитания (переконнект уймы ону) - у клиентов инет появляется минут через 30-40.


Версия прошивки: BDCOM(tm) P3616-2TE Software, Version 10.1.0E Build 46085


Может кто сталкивался и поборол данную проблему? Также говорили знакомые что подобное проявляется на 3608 которые также высоконагруженные абонентами.

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2шт. 3608 с подобной набивкой - после ребута все регистрации онушек укладываются в от силы минут 10-15. Прошивка такая же. 3616 набитой нет.

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3 часа назад, Kto To сказал:

Столкнулись с проблемой с BDCOM 3616. ОЛТ загруженный онушками процентов на 70-75.

Территориально клиенты в одном двух рядом стоящих населенных пунктах.

При пропадании/появлении электропитания (переконнект уймы ону) - у клиентов инет появляется минут через 30-40.


Версия прошивки: BDCOM(tm) P3616-2TE Software, Version 10.1.0E Build 46085


Может кто сталкивался и поборол данную проблему? Также говорили знакомые что подобное проявляется на 3608 которые также высоконагруженные абонентами.

А киньте ка темплейт(ы) на онушки?

Там Случайно write в темплейте нет?

Во время этих 30-40 минут нагрузку на cpu  смотрели?

Edited by melvin
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Была аналогичная проблема, обновились, ОЛТ стала работать намного стабильней

P3616-2TE Software, Version 10.1.0E Build 54184

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наблюдается аналогичная проблема на P3616-2TE с прошивкой 48290 (новая залита, но ребут еще не делали).

при массовом пропадании электричества у абонентов минут на 20-40 пропадает из доступа (хотя сама не перегружается - UPS), трафик через себя форвардит (подключенные абоненты работают, абоненты в ethernet-портах работают), новых абонентов подключает очень медленно.


конфиг перед инцидентами сохранялся (максимум 5-10 новых ONU подлючается)

в шаблоне команды write нет


если 3616 перегрузить не дожидаясь 20-40 минут, то все включаются сразу и без проблем.


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В 28.11.2018 в 18:46, melvin сказал:

А киньте ка темплейт(ы) на онушки?

Там Случайно write в темплейте нет?

Во время этих 30-40 минут нагрузку на cpu  смотрели?


Нету write


 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 10
 cmd-sequence 002 epon sla upstream pir 350000 cir 15000
 cmd-sequence 003 epon sla downstream pir 350000 cir 15000
 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect
 cmd-sequence 005 epon onu all-port ctc notify loopback


В 28.11.2018 в 18:49, Berkut сказал:

Была аналогичная проблема, обновились, ОЛТ стала работать намного стабильней

P3616-2TE Software, Version 10.1.0E Build 54184


Есть прошивка где-то эта? 

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4 минуты назад, a_n_h сказал:

очень похоже на проблему с 3310:



Не то. У вас приходится ребутать, а тут просто  надо ждать минут 30-40 и потом все начинает работать. Порты не отваливаются просто "НЭ РОБЭ" :)

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1 час назад, Kto To сказал:


tiger.blob на фтп - имеет размер 2073340

у меня на OLT tiger.blob - 2084324


это как-то может влиять? или игнорить и просто шить прошивку и все?

сказать честно - без понятия
убрали единственный бдком год назад (и тот 3310b был) и проблем не знаем :) 

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16 часов назад, Kto To сказал:


tiger.blob на фтп - имеет размер 2073340

у меня на OLT tiger.blob - 2084324


это как-то может влиять? или игнорить и просто шить прошивку и все?

sh epon basic-info
покажет версию по сути прошивки поновских чипов.
ее же можно найти полнотекстовым поиском внутри блоба.
самый новый у меня, но самый распространенный

И, действительно, changelog'а или рекомендаций использовать те или иные версии этих блобов отродясь не было.

Edited by passer
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  • 3 years later...
On 11/29/2018 at 9:03 PM, Kto To said:


tiger.blob на фтп - имеет размер 2073340

у меня на OLT tiger.blob - 2084324


это как-то может влиять? или игнорить и просто шить прошивку и все?

Проблема решилась? Чем все закончилось?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Тоже интересно, на 


BIOS Version0.4.5

Firmware Version10.1.0E Build 68964
Проблема такая же, загружена на 70% примерно, одновременно отключаются много ону по свету , после идет регистрация мин 40-70
может есть у кого то конфиг без таких проблем дайте посмотреть 


!version 10.1.0E build 68964
service timestamps log date
service timestamps debug date
logging buffered 6144
hostname PON_DON_16
ddm enable
port-protected 1
epon mpcp-timeout 60
epon local-mac forward
no spanning-tree
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication enable default none
aaa authorization exec default local
username admin password 0 krasnoe

epon dynamic-binding-timeout 30
epon oam-version 1 0x30
epon oam-version 2 0x21
epon oam-version 3 0x20
epon onu-config-template vlan1110
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1110
 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic
 cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect
 cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
epon onu-config-template vlan1104
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1104
 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic
 cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect
 cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
epon onu-config-template vlan1105
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1105
 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic
 cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect
 cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
epon onu-config-template vlan1107
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1107
 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic
 cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect
 cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
epon onu-config-template vlan1143
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect
epon onu-config-template vlan1109
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1109
 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic
 cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect
 cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
epon onu-config-template vlan1146
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1146
 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic
 cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect
 cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
epon onu-config-template vlan1147
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1147
 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic
 cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port loopback detect
 cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
interface Null0
interface FastEthernet0/1
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
!!slot 0 85
interface GigaEthernet0/1
 description uplink
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 22,50,100,780,1011-1080,1104-1107,1109-1110,1124
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 1125-1139,1146-1149,1160-1167,1911,1974
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  ip-source trust
 duplex auto
 storm-control broadcast threshold 131200
 storm-control multicast threshold 131200
 storm-control unicast threshold 131200
interface GigaEthernet0/2
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,100,1011-1014,1017-1022,1104,1160-1167,1974
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
 duplex auto
 storm-control broadcast threshold 131200
 storm-control multicast threshold 131200
 storm-control unicast threshold 131200
 flow-control on
interface GigaEthernet0/3
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 22,50,100,780,1011-1080,1104-1107,1109-1110,1124
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 1125-1139,1146-1149,1160-1167,1911,1974
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  ip-source trust
 duplex auto
 storm-control broadcast threshold 131200
 storm-control multicast threshold 131200
 storm-control unicast threshold 131200
interface GigaEthernet0/4
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 22,50,100,780,1011-1080,1104-1107,1109-1110,1124
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 1125-1139,1146-1149,1160-1167,1911,1974
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  ip-source trust
 duplex auto
 storm-control broadcast threshold 131200
 storm-control multicast threshold 131200
 storm-control unicast threshold 131200
interface GigaEthernet0/5
 description UpLink
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,100,660,1104-1105,1107,1109-1110,1146-1147,3300
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  ip-source trust
interface GigaEthernet0/6
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport pvid 1042
  dhcp snooping trust
  ip-source trust
 storm-control broadcast threshold 131200
 storm-control multicast threshold 131200
 storm-control unicast threshold 131200
interface GigaEthernet0/7
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 22,50,100,780,1011-1080,1104-1107,1109-1110,1124
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 1125-1139,1146-1149,1160-1167,1911,1974
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  ip-source trust
 storm-control broadcast threshold 131200
 storm-control multicast threshold 131200
 storm-control unicast threshold 131200
interface GigaEthernet0/8
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 22,50,100,780,1011-1080,1104-1107,1109-1110,1124
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 1125-1139,1146-1149,1160-1167,1911,1974
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  ip-source trust
 storm-control broadcast threshold 131200
 storm-control multicast threshold 131200
 storm-control unicast threshold 131200
interface TGigaEthernet0/1
 description uplink_10G
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 22,50,100,660,780,1011-1080,1104-1107,1109
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 1110,1124-1139,1146-1149,1160-1167,1911
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  ip-source trust
 speed 10000
interface TGigaEthernet0/2
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
interface EPON0/1
 description 1109
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a936 1
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e41 2
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b526 3
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.df2c 4
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.effb 5
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efd8 6
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0200.5c7f 7
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e9a6 8
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0a9 9
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd65 10
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cdbc 11
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.c018 12
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efd2 13
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0b0 14
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.200f 15
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cdb9 16
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd7a 17
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.fa92 18
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e71 19
 epon bind-onu mac 8479.73c5.ad51 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.fa8e 21
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.ee59 22
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1181 23
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd80 24
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c2a6 25
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.9fb2 26
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9eb 27
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e9eb 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aa57 29
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b31e.cd73 30
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.57af 31
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.fa8f 32
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0200.09d6 33
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.70ef 34
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.5afd 35
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 780,1072-1074,1109,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 switchport protected 1
interface EPON0/1:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:11
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:12
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:17
interface EPON0/1:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:23
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:25
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:26
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:27
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:30
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:31
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:32
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:33
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:34
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:35
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2
 description 1110
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1110 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.0252 1
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b326.b18f 2
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.df02 3
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b31e.cff5 4
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a8f6 5
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e1fa 6
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0a3 7
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c2a3 8
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.eb12 9
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f213 10
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c3cc 11
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0ae 12
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b57 13
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.9d41 14
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c6e4 15
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.9d74 16
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b397.e062 17
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e058 18
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.544b 19
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.d917 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e4c9 21
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.542a 22
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.d590 23
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c3e4 24
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e91b 25
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.26bd 26
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.eb1e 27
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e947 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e48d 29
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.d59f 30
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f200 31
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.a34a 32
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.2a15 33
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aa99 34
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b4a8 35
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e214 36
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c2d9 37
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.3918 38
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.9dad 40
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aa6c 41
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.f874 42
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b52c 43
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a8f0 45
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b19 47
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.038a 49
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.9f50 50
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0200.9c3b 51
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.5514 52
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.df26 53
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.03a8 54
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd9b 55
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,1110,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/2:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:8
interface EPON0/2:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:11
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:12
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:23
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:25
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:26
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:27
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:30
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:31
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:32
interface EPON0/2:33
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:34
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:35
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:36
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:37
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:38
interface EPON0/2:40
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:41
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:42
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:43
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:45
interface EPON0/2:47
interface EPON0/2:49
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:50
interface EPON0/2:51
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:52
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:53
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:54
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:55
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3
 description 1109
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b31e.c812 1
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a812 2
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.200c 3
 epon bind-onu mac 00d3.9e17.a3be 4
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.d203 5
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e289 6
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e601 7
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7911.c73c 8
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b31e.cd40 9
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0201.2cd4 10
 epon bind-onu mac 8479.73fb.099b 11
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.2439 12
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efd4 13
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0200.5c1f 14
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e086 16
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.df40 17
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.bffa 18
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b4e4 19
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efdb 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aa8d 21
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.d1dc 22
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd9e 23
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a228 24
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd8f 25
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.9f7e 26
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.6f23 27
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a890 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.f86e 29
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.858e 30
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efda 31
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aa72 32
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.bfc7 33
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.22fd 34
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd6e 35
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.a11e 36
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c3f9 37
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c732 38
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7919.8d81 39
 epon bind-onu mac 8479.73fb.0764 40
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f35a 41
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1ea0 42
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aa8a 43
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.7185 44
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efe3 45
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f33a 48
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.117f 49
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b7f 50
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.df1d 51
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e65b 54
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0b5 55
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.6095 56
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.2328 57
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.ba7e 59
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b8f 60
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.c01b 61
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b55 62
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0201.2cdd 63
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b59 64
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1109,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/3:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:4
interface EPON0/3:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:11
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:12
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:13
interface EPON0/3:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:16
interface EPON0/3:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:23
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:25
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:26
interface EPON0/3:27
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:30
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:31
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:32
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:33
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:34
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:35
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:36
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:37
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:38
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:39
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:40
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:41
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:42
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:43
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:44
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:45
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:48
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:49
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:50
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:51
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:54
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:55
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:56
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:57
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:59
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:60
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:61
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:62
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:63
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:64
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4
 description 1107
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1107 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.9d68 1
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.f8e0 2
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efeb 3
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.d57e 4
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.dc56 5
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd95 6
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9f6 7
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e81 8
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.deed 9
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.29ea 10
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0a5 11
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0c5 12
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.def0 13
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.585f 14
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0bd 15
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.bfee 16
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e220 17
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b4c3 18
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.381c 19
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.7187 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e1f0 21
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.da61 22
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a81e 23
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.5898 24
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.7593 25
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e0c2 26
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f137 27
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e45f 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a814 29
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.5975 30
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.2593 31
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efec 32
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1ee4 33
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.30f0 34
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0a6 35
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b4de 36
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.040e 37
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a82e 38
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.8a72 39
 epon bind-onu mac 8479.73fb.38c4 40
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.eb2b 41
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efe0 42
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.effe 43
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.5a47 44
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f175 45
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efe8 46
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0b2 47
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f1ee 48
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e7d 49
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.89f0 50
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1ec7 51
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.6058 52
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 100,1072-1074,1107,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/4:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:11
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:12
interface EPON0/4:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:18
interface EPON0/4:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:23
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:25
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:26
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:27
interface EPON0/4:28
interface EPON0/4:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:30
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:31
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:32
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:33
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:34
interface EPON0/4:35
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:36
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:37
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:38
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:39
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:40
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:41
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:42
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:43
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:44
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:45
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:46
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:47
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:48
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:49
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:50
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:51
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:52
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5
 description 1146
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.a30b 1
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd6b 2
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efe6 3
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.6f21 4
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9e6 5
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b326.babd 6
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.ee76 7
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1d4e 8
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.718d 9
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.7295 10
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e217 11
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e6d 12
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.df4d 13
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b31e.cfec 14
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9e2 15
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.5724 16
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e35 17
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.2904 18
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b3b 19
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b3ad.2d58 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.58cb 21
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.a14b 22
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aab7 23
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd3b 24
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1c81 25
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.2431 26
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.22fe 27
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e9e5 28
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.6c88 29
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0200.0af4 33
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.5883 36
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e4ae 37
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.2432 38
 epon bind-onu mac a0c6.ec03.e1a1 39
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1109,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/5:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:7
interface EPON0/5:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:11
interface EPON0/5:12
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:19
interface EPON0/5:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:23
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:25
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:26
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:27
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:33
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:36
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:37
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:38
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:39
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6
 description 1109
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c2ac 1
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e5fb 2
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.1c9a 3
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c6de 4
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.29de 5
 epon bind-onu mac 8479.73c5.b152 6
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.258d 7
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b7d 8
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e1d5 9
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e1fc 10
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e1c6 12
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.da51 13
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f3f3 14
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.032a 15
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1e9b 16
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.0288 17
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f186 18
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.2438 19
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1e85 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.89e0 21
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b1b 22
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f3f4 24
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.395a 26
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9e5 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e213 29
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,1109,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/6:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:5
interface EPON0/6:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:7
interface EPON0/6:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:12
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:20
interface EPON0/6:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:26
interface EPON0/6:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7
 description 1110
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1110 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f000 1
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.5889 2
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.7051 3
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b326.b18d 4
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b75 5
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1d4a 6
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e83 7
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e09e 8
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.5798 9
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e667 11
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c29d 13
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e1ba 14
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e691 15
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1e96 16
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0ad 17
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b53 18
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a82a 19
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.6d34 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.da44 21
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e94a 22
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e627 24
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b397.e070 26
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.30c0 27
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b73 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a92a 29
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e6b 31
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.5490 32
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.6f45 33
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.fa6e 34
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7919.8d59 35
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.2309 36
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,1072-1074,1110,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/7:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:4
interface EPON0/7:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:11
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:26
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:27
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:29
interface EPON0/7:31
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:32
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:33
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:34
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:35
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:36
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8
 description 1105
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1105 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.ee89 1
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a940 2
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e204 3
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.d965 4
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f180 5
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.5ab1 6
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e4b1 7
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e1b4 8
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.66b8 9
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aa54 10
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c72c 11
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.df50 12
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.fa7d 13
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c2e2 14
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b4ed 15
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.defc 16
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c303 17
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.df32 18
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e46c 19
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.eb95 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.5466 21
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.da3c 22
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e216 23
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e73 24
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c2df 25
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f13b 26
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c6d5 27
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.2433 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e4b4 29
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.602f 30
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b4fc 31
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f181 32
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.02f4 33
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.a2fc 34
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f176 35
 epon bind-onu mac 8479.73fb.0635 36
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.5a30 37
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.6d37 38
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e679 39
 epon bind-onu mac 00d3.9e17.a400 40
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 100,1072-1074,1105,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/8:1
interface EPON0/8:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:3
interface EPON0/8:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:11
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:12
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:23
interface EPON0/8:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:25
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:26
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:27
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:30
interface EPON0/8:31
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:32
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:33
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:34
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:35
interface EPON0/8:36
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:37
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:38
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:39
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:40
interface EPON0/9
 description 1109
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f1a1 1
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.6f4d 2
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.a33b 3
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.25a6 4
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.57ae 7
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b4c0 8
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1072-1074,1109,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/9:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/9:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/9:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/9:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/9:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/9:8
interface EPON0/10
 description 1104
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1104 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1072-1074,1104,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/11
 description 1107
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1107 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e083 1
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f022 2
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c3f0 3
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.eb97 4
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.df1d 5
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.ec3d 6
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.9d50 7
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1c88 8
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.9faa 9
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1d49 10
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7919.8cd1 11
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9cf 12
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7919.8c09 13
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.258e 14
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.25a5 15
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f201 16
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.5924 17
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a91e 18
 epon bind-onu mac 8479.73c5.ae03 19
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e46b 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.f8a4 21
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1f0a 22
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1d50 23
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f206 24
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1d48 25
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.3006 26
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.258c 27
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.3012 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1c85 29
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.3054 30
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.03e4 31
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1c89 32
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1d46 33
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.3036 34
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9ea 35
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1d4b 36
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.59d6 37
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1072-1074,1107,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/11:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:11
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:12
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:23
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:25
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:26
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:27
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:30
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:31
interface EPON0/11:32
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:33
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:34
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:35
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:36
interface EPON0/11:37
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/12
 description 1146
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1146 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1072-1074,1146,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/13
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1109,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/14
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.d8f0 1
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.6838 2
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b31e.cd70 3
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.2a1d 4
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e067 5
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e663 6
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e68c 7
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f1f4 8
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.de08 9
 epon bind-onu mac 8479.73fb.4675 10
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b3ad.2d3c 11
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd83 12
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b3ad.2d42 13
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9fb 14
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c3db 15
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.a10f 16
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.a0fd 17
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9d6 18
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.c012 19
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0201.2cb1 20
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.02ac 21
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0201.2cd3 22
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aa4e 23
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.9f62 24
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a226 25
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9db 26
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.03c6 27
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f177 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9d1 29
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.eb01 30
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9ec 31
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9f3 32
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9ed 33
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f178 34
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.229d 35
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9dc 36
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9da 37
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f212 38
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.0396 39
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b31e.cd67 40
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.65f7 41
 epon bind-onu mac 0011.2233.4455 42
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.5be0 43
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7911.c6fb 45
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0d1 46
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1109,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/14:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:11
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:12
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:14
interface EPON0/14:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:21
interface EPON0/14:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:23
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:25
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:26
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:27
interface EPON0/14:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:30
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:31
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:32
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:33
interface EPON0/14:34
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:35
interface EPON0/14:36
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:37
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:38
interface EPON0/14:39
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:40
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:41
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:42
interface EPON0/14:43
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:45
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:46
interface EPON0/15
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1109,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/16
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1109,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
!!slot end
interface VLAN100
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
vlan 22
 name 22
vlan 50
 name 50
vlan 100
 name manager
vlan 780
 name 780
vlan 1072
 name 1072
vlan 1073
 name 1073
vlan 1074
 name 1074
vlan 1160
 name 1160
vlan 1161
 name 1161
vlan 1162
 name 1162
vlan 1163
 name 1163
vlan 1164
 name 1164
vlan 1165
 name 1165
vlan 1166
 name 1166
vlan 1167
 name 1167
vlan 1974
 name 1974
vlan 3300
 name 3300
vlan 3352
 name 3352
vlan 3452
 name 3452
vlan 1,10,22,50,100,780,1011-1025,1032,1034,1038,1042-1043,1045,1051-1052,1072
vlan 1073-1074,1104-1105,1107,1109-1110,1124-1139,1146-1147,1160-1167,1974,3300
vlan 3352,3452
ip dhcp-relay snooping
ip dhcp-relay snooping vlan  1104-1105,1107,1109-1110,1143,1146-1147
ip verify source vlan  1104-1105,1107,1109-1110,1143,1146-1147
ip dhcp-relay snooping information option format hn-type
ip dhcp-relay snooping log
ip route default 
ip exf
ipv6 exf
ip http server
snmp-server community 0 public RO 
snmp-server community 0 krasnoe RO 
line console 0
 length 0
 width 256
line vty 0
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 1
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 2
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 3
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 4
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 5
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 6
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 7
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 8
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 9
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 10
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 11
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 12
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 13
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 14
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 15
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 16
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 17
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 18
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 19
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 20
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 21
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 22
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 23
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 24
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 25
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 26
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 27
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 28
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 29
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 30
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 31
 exec-timeout 0
ip sshd enable
time-zone tz 3 0
ntp master primary
ntp server
ntp peer
ntp authentication enable
!Pending configurations for absent linecards:
!!slot 0 85
interface EPON0/4:60
switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:61
switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
switchport port-security mode dynamic

!!slot end
!No configurations pending global


Edited by Mrak550
  • Confused 1
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8 часов назад, Mrak550 сказал:

Тоже интересно, на 


BIOS Version0.4.5

Firmware Version10.1.0E Build 68964
Проблема такая же, загружена на 70% примерно, одновременно отключаются много ону по свету , после идет регистрация мин 40-70
может есть у кого то конфиг без таких проблем дайте посмотреть 


!version 10.1.0E build 68964
service timestamps log date
service timestamps debug date
logging buffered 6144
hostname PON_DON_16
ddm enable
port-protected 1
epon mpcp-timeout 60
epon local-mac forward
no spanning-tree
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication enable default none
aaa authorization exec default local
username admin password 0 krasnoe

epon dynamic-binding-timeout 30
epon oam-version 1 0x30
epon oam-version 2 0x21
epon oam-version 3 0x20
epon onu-config-template vlan1110
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1110
 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic
 cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect
 cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
epon onu-config-template vlan1104
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1104
 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic
 cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect
 cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
epon onu-config-template vlan1105
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1105
 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic
 cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect
 cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
epon onu-config-template vlan1107
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1107
 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic
 cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect
 cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
epon onu-config-template vlan1143
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect
epon onu-config-template vlan1109
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1109
 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic
 cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect
 cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
epon onu-config-template vlan1146
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1146
 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic
 cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect
 cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
epon onu-config-template vlan1147
 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1147
 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic
 cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port loopback detect
 cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000
interface Null0
interface FastEthernet0/1
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
!!slot 0 85
interface GigaEthernet0/1
 description uplink
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 22,50,100,780,1011-1080,1104-1107,1109-1110,1124
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 1125-1139,1146-1149,1160-1167,1911,1974
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  ip-source trust
 duplex auto
 storm-control broadcast threshold 131200
 storm-control multicast threshold 131200
 storm-control unicast threshold 131200
interface GigaEthernet0/2
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,100,1011-1014,1017-1022,1104,1160-1167,1974
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
 duplex auto
 storm-control broadcast threshold 131200
 storm-control multicast threshold 131200
 storm-control unicast threshold 131200
 flow-control on
interface GigaEthernet0/3
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 22,50,100,780,1011-1080,1104-1107,1109-1110,1124
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 1125-1139,1146-1149,1160-1167,1911,1974
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  ip-source trust
 duplex auto
 storm-control broadcast threshold 131200
 storm-control multicast threshold 131200
 storm-control unicast threshold 131200
interface GigaEthernet0/4
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 22,50,100,780,1011-1080,1104-1107,1109-1110,1124
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 1125-1139,1146-1149,1160-1167,1911,1974
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  ip-source trust
 duplex auto
 storm-control broadcast threshold 131200
 storm-control multicast threshold 131200
 storm-control unicast threshold 131200
interface GigaEthernet0/5
 description UpLink
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,100,660,1104-1105,1107,1109-1110,1146-1147,3300
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  ip-source trust
interface GigaEthernet0/6
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport pvid 1042
  dhcp snooping trust
  ip-source trust
 storm-control broadcast threshold 131200
 storm-control multicast threshold 131200
 storm-control unicast threshold 131200
interface GigaEthernet0/7
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 22,50,100,780,1011-1080,1104-1107,1109-1110,1124
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 1125-1139,1146-1149,1160-1167,1911,1974
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  ip-source trust
 storm-control broadcast threshold 131200
 storm-control multicast threshold 131200
 storm-control unicast threshold 131200
interface GigaEthernet0/8
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 22,50,100,780,1011-1080,1104-1107,1109-1110,1124
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 1125-1139,1146-1149,1160-1167,1911,1974
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  ip-source trust
 storm-control broadcast threshold 131200
 storm-control multicast threshold 131200
 storm-control unicast threshold 131200
interface TGigaEthernet0/1
 description uplink_10G
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 22,50,100,660,780,1011-1080,1104-1107,1109
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 1110,1124-1139,1146-1149,1160-1167,1911
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping trust
  ip-source trust
 speed 10000
interface TGigaEthernet0/2
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
interface EPON0/1
 description 1109
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a936 1
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e41 2
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b526 3
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.df2c 4
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.effb 5
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efd8 6
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0200.5c7f 7
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e9a6 8
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0a9 9
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd65 10
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cdbc 11
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.c018 12
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efd2 13
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0b0 14
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.200f 15
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cdb9 16
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd7a 17
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.fa92 18
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e71 19
 epon bind-onu mac 8479.73c5.ad51 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.fa8e 21
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.ee59 22
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1181 23
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd80 24
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c2a6 25
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.9fb2 26
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9eb 27
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e9eb 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aa57 29
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b31e.cd73 30
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.57af 31
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.fa8f 32
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0200.09d6 33
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.70ef 34
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.5afd 35
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 780,1072-1074,1109,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 switchport protected 1
interface EPON0/1:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:11
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:12
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:17
interface EPON0/1:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:23
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:25
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:26
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:27
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:30
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:31
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:32
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:33
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:34
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/1:35
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2
 description 1110
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1110 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.0252 1
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b326.b18f 2
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.df02 3
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b31e.cff5 4
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a8f6 5
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e1fa 6
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0a3 7
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c2a3 8
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.eb12 9
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f213 10
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c3cc 11
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0ae 12
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b57 13
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.9d41 14
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c6e4 15
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.9d74 16
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b397.e062 17
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e058 18
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.544b 19
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.d917 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e4c9 21
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.542a 22
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.d590 23
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c3e4 24
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e91b 25
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.26bd 26
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.eb1e 27
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e947 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e48d 29
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.d59f 30
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f200 31
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.a34a 32
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.2a15 33
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aa99 34
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b4a8 35
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e214 36
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c2d9 37
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.3918 38
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.9dad 40
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aa6c 41
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.f874 42
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b52c 43
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a8f0 45
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b19 47
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.038a 49
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.9f50 50
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0200.9c3b 51
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.5514 52
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.df26 53
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.03a8 54
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd9b 55
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,1110,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/2:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:8
interface EPON0/2:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:11
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:12
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:23
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:25
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:26
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:27
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:30
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:31
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:32
interface EPON0/2:33
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:34
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:35
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:36
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:37
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:38
interface EPON0/2:40
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:41
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:42
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:43
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:45
interface EPON0/2:47
interface EPON0/2:49
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:50
interface EPON0/2:51
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:52
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:53
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:54
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/2:55
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3
 description 1109
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b31e.c812 1
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a812 2
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.200c 3
 epon bind-onu mac 00d3.9e17.a3be 4
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.d203 5
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e289 6
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e601 7
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7911.c73c 8
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b31e.cd40 9
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0201.2cd4 10
 epon bind-onu mac 8479.73fb.099b 11
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.2439 12
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efd4 13
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0200.5c1f 14
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e086 16
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.df40 17
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.bffa 18
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b4e4 19
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efdb 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aa8d 21
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.d1dc 22
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd9e 23
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a228 24
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd8f 25
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.9f7e 26
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.6f23 27
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a890 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.f86e 29
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.858e 30
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efda 31
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aa72 32
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.bfc7 33
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.22fd 34
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd6e 35
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.a11e 36
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c3f9 37
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c732 38
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7919.8d81 39
 epon bind-onu mac 8479.73fb.0764 40
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f35a 41
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1ea0 42
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aa8a 43
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.7185 44
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efe3 45
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f33a 48
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.117f 49
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b7f 50
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.df1d 51
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e65b 54
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0b5 55
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.6095 56
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.2328 57
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.ba7e 59
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b8f 60
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.c01b 61
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b55 62
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0201.2cdd 63
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b59 64
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1109,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/3:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:4
interface EPON0/3:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:11
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:12
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:13
interface EPON0/3:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:16
interface EPON0/3:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:23
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:25
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:26
interface EPON0/3:27
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:30
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:31
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:32
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:33
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:34
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:35
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:36
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:37
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:38
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:39
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:40
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:41
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:42
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:43
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:44
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:45
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:48
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:49
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:50
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:51
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:54
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:55
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:56
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:57
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:59
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:60
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:61
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:62
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:63
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/3:64
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4
 description 1107
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1107 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.9d68 1
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.f8e0 2
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efeb 3
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.d57e 4
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.dc56 5
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd95 6
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9f6 7
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e81 8
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.deed 9
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.29ea 10
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0a5 11
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0c5 12
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.def0 13
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.585f 14
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0bd 15
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.bfee 16
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e220 17
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b4c3 18
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.381c 19
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.7187 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e1f0 21
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.da61 22
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a81e 23
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.5898 24
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.7593 25
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e0c2 26
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f137 27
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e45f 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a814 29
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.5975 30
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.2593 31
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efec 32
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1ee4 33
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.30f0 34
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0a6 35
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b4de 36
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.040e 37
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a82e 38
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.8a72 39
 epon bind-onu mac 8479.73fb.38c4 40
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.eb2b 41
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efe0 42
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.effe 43
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.5a47 44
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f175 45
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efe8 46
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0b2 47
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f1ee 48
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e7d 49
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.89f0 50
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1ec7 51
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.6058 52
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 100,1072-1074,1107,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/4:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:11
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:12
interface EPON0/4:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:18
interface EPON0/4:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:23
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:25
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:26
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:27
interface EPON0/4:28
interface EPON0/4:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:30
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:31
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:32
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:33
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:34
interface EPON0/4:35
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:36
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:37
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:38
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:39
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:40
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:41
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:42
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:43
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:44
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:45
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:46
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:47
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:48
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:49
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:50
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:51
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:52
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5
 description 1146
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.a30b 1
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd6b 2
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.efe6 3
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.6f21 4
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9e6 5
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b326.babd 6
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.ee76 7
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1d4e 8
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.718d 9
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.7295 10
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e217 11
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e6d 12
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.df4d 13
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b31e.cfec 14
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9e2 15
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.5724 16
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e35 17
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.2904 18
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b3b 19
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b3ad.2d58 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.58cb 21
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.a14b 22
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aab7 23
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd3b 24
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1c81 25
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.2431 26
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.22fe 27
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e9e5 28
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.6c88 29
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0200.0af4 33
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.5883 36
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e4ae 37
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.2432 38
 epon bind-onu mac a0c6.ec03.e1a1 39
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1109,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/5:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:7
interface EPON0/5:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:11
interface EPON0/5:12
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:19
interface EPON0/5:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:23
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:25
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:26
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:27
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:33
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:36
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:37
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:38
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/5:39
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6
 description 1109
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c2ac 1
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e5fb 2
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.1c9a 3
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c6de 4
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.29de 5
 epon bind-onu mac 8479.73c5.b152 6
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.258d 7
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b7d 8
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e1d5 9
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e1fc 10
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e1c6 12
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.da51 13
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f3f3 14
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.032a 15
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1e9b 16
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.0288 17
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f186 18
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.2438 19
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1e85 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.89e0 21
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b1b 22
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f3f4 24
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.395a 26
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9e5 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e213 29
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,1109,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/6:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:5
interface EPON0/6:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:7
interface EPON0/6:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:12
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:20
interface EPON0/6:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:26
interface EPON0/6:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/6:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7
 description 1110
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1110 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f000 1
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.5889 2
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.7051 3
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b326.b18d 4
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b75 5
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1d4a 6
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e83 7
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e09e 8
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.5798 9
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e667 11
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c29d 13
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e1ba 14
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e691 15
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1e96 16
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0ad 17
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b53 18
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a82a 19
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.6d34 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.da44 21
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e94a 22
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e627 24
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b397.e070 26
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.30c0 27
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1b73 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a92a 29
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e6b 31
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.5490 32
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.6f45 33
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.fa6e 34
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7919.8d59 35
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.2309 36
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 50,1072-1074,1110,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/7:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:4
interface EPON0/7:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:11
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:26
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:27
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:29
interface EPON0/7:31
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:32
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:33
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:34
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:35
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/7:36
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8
 description 1105
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1105 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.ee89 1
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a940 2
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e204 3
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.d965 4
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f180 5
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.5ab1 6
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e4b1 7
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e1b4 8
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.66b8 9
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aa54 10
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c72c 11
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.df50 12
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.fa7d 13
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c2e2 14
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b4ed 15
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.defc 16
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c303 17
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.df32 18
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e46c 19
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.eb95 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.5466 21
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.da3c 22
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e216 23
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b3b5.1e73 24
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c2df 25
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f13b 26
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c6d5 27
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.2433 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e4b4 29
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.602f 30
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b4fc 31
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f181 32
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.02f4 33
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.a2fc 34
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f176 35
 epon bind-onu mac 8479.73fb.0635 36
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.5a30 37
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.6d37 38
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e679 39
 epon bind-onu mac 00d3.9e17.a400 40
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 100,1072-1074,1105,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed add 3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/8:1
interface EPON0/8:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:3
interface EPON0/8:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:11
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:12
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:23
interface EPON0/8:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:25
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:26
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:27
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:30
interface EPON0/8:31
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:32
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:33
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:34
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:35
interface EPON0/8:36
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:37
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:38
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:39
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/8:40
interface EPON0/9
 description 1109
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f1a1 1
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b316.6f4d 2
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.a33b 3
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.25a6 4
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.57ae 7
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.b4c0 8
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1072-1074,1109,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/9:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/9:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/9:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/9:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/9:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/9:8
interface EPON0/10
 description 1104
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1104 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1072-1074,1104,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/11
 description 1107
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1107 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e083 1
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f022 2
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c3f0 3
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.eb97 4
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.df1d 5
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.ec3d 6
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.9d50 7
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1c88 8
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.9faa 9
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1d49 10
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7919.8cd1 11
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9cf 12
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7919.8c09 13
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.258e 14
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.25a5 15
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f201 16
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.5924 17
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a91e 18
 epon bind-onu mac 8479.73c5.ae03 19
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e46b 20
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.f8a4 21
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1f0a 22
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1d50 23
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f206 24
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1d48 25
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.3006 26
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.258c 27
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.3012 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1c85 29
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.3054 30
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.03e4 31
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1c89 32
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1d46 33
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.3036 34
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9ea 35
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.1d4b 36
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.59d6 37
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1072-1074,1107,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/11:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:11
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:12
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:14
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:21
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:23
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:25
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:26
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:27
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:30
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:31
interface EPON0/11:32
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:33
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:34
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:35
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/11:36
interface EPON0/11:37
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/12
 description 1146
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1146 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1072-1074,1146,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/13
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1109,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/14
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.d8f0 1
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.6838 2
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b31e.cd70 3
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.2a1d 4
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7913.e067 5
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e663 6
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.e68c 7
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f1f4 8
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7912.de08 9
 epon bind-onu mac 8479.73fb.4675 10
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b3ad.2d3c 11
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.cd83 12
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b3ad.2d42 13
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9fb 14
 epon bind-onu mac e067.b338.c3db 15
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.a10f 16
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.a0fd 17
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9d6 18
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b321.c012 19
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0201.2cb1 20
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.02ac 21
 epon bind-onu mac 00a1.0201.2cd3 22
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7914.aa4e 23
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.9f62 24
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.a226 25
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9db 26
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.03c6 27
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f177 28
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9d1 29
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.eb01 30
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9ec 31
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9f3 32
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9ed 33
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f178 34
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7917.229d 35
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9dc 36
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.e9da 37
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f212 38
 epon bind-onu mac 00d2.1905.0396 39
 epon bind-onu mac 08c6.b31e.cd67 40
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.65f7 41
 epon bind-onu mac 0011.2233.4455 42
 epon bind-onu mac 0055.b11f.5be0 43
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7911.c6fb 45
 epon bind-onu mac 1c87.7916.f0d1 46
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1109,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/14:1
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:2
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:3
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:4
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:5
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:6
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:7
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:8
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:9
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:10
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:11
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:12
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:13
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:14
interface EPON0/14:15
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:16
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:17
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:18
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:19
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:20
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:21
interface EPON0/14:22
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:23
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:24
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:25
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:26
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:27
interface EPON0/14:28
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:29
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:30
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:31
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:32
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:33
interface EPON0/14:34
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:35
interface EPON0/14:36
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:37
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:38
interface EPON0/14:39
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:40
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:41
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:42
interface EPON0/14:43
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:45
 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
 switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/14:46
interface EPON0/15
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1109,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
interface EPON0/16
 epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30
 epon pre-config-template vlan1109 binded-onu-llid 1-64
 no spanning-tree
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 1109,1160-1167,1974,3300,3352,3452
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged none
 switchport mode trunk
  dhcp snooping information replace
 no switchport protected
!!slot end
interface VLAN100
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
vlan 22
 name 22
vlan 50
 name 50
vlan 100
 name manager
vlan 780
 name 780
vlan 1072
 name 1072
vlan 1073
 name 1073
vlan 1074
 name 1074
vlan 1160
 name 1160
vlan 1161
 name 1161
vlan 1162
 name 1162
vlan 1163
 name 1163
vlan 1164
 name 1164
vlan 1165
 name 1165
vlan 1166
 name 1166
vlan 1167
 name 1167
vlan 1974
 name 1974
vlan 3300
 name 3300
vlan 3352
 name 3352
vlan 3452
 name 3452
vlan 1,10,22,50,100,780,1011-1025,1032,1034,1038,1042-1043,1045,1051-1052,1072
vlan 1073-1074,1104-1105,1107,1109-1110,1124-1139,1146-1147,1160-1167,1974,3300
vlan 3352,3452
ip dhcp-relay snooping
ip dhcp-relay snooping vlan  1104-1105,1107,1109-1110,1143,1146-1147
ip verify source vlan  1104-1105,1107,1109-1110,1143,1146-1147
ip dhcp-relay snooping information option format hn-type
ip dhcp-relay snooping log
ip route default 
ip exf
ipv6 exf
ip http server
snmp-server community 0 public RO 
snmp-server community 0 krasnoe RO 
line console 0
 length 0
 width 256
line vty 0
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 1
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 2
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 3
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 4
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 5
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 6
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 7
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 8
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 9
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 10
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 11
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 12
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 13
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 14
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 15
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 16
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 17
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 18
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 19
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 20
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 21
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 22
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 23
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 24
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 25
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 26
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 27
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 28
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 29
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 30
 exec-timeout 0
line vty 31
 exec-timeout 0
ip sshd enable
time-zone tz 3 0
ntp master primary
ntp server
ntp peer
ntp authentication enable
!Pending configurations for absent linecards:
!!slot 0 85
interface EPON0/4:60
switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
switchport port-security mode dynamic
interface EPON0/4:61
switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50
switchport port-security mode dynamic

!!slot end
!No configurations pending global


а зачем вам это epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30 ???

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8 часов назад, Mrak550 сказал:

Проблема такая же, загружена на 70% примерно, одновременно отключаются много ону по свету , после идет регистрация мин 40-70
может есть у кого то конфиг без таких проблем дайте посмотреть 

Какой аптайм ОЛТа? Если большой то попробуйте перезагрузить ОЛТ. После перезагрузки онушки будут быстро регистрироваться. Там такое решение помогло.

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может стоит прошивку посвежее поставить у меня стояла не помню какая предыдущая но работала не совсем адекватно с снмп не дружила обновил до P3616-2TE Software, Version 10.1.0F Build 74816 уже около года полет нормальный, ну и еще как вариант сделайте темплейт попроще без switchport port-security возможно не все ону его нормально воспринимают.

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13 часов назад, Mrak550 сказал:

epon onu-config-template vlan1110 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1110 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000 ! epon onu-config-template vlan1104 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1104 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000 ! epon onu-config-template vlan1105 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1105 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000 ! epon onu-config-template vlan1107 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1107 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000 ! epon onu-config-template vlan1143 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect ! epon onu-config-template vlan1109 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1109 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000 ! epon onu-config-template vlan1146 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1146 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port ctc loopback detect cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000 ! epon onu-config-template vlan1147 cmd-sequence 001 epon onu all-port ctc vlan mode tag 1147 cmd-sequence 002 switchport port-security mode dynamic cmd-sequence 003 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50 cmd-sequence 004 epon onu all-port loopback detect cmd-sequence 005 epon sla downstream pir 1000000 cir 15000 cmd-sequence 006 epon sla upstream pir 1000000 cir 15000

Где в ваших конфигах сохранение конфигурации после регистрации ONU? Добавьте последним пунктом запись конфига write all, а то у вас каждый раз конфиги ОНУ пишут, что нагружает полностью проц. Ну и у меня было даже с командой write all, что регалось долго, перезагрузка ОЛТа все решила.

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5 часов назад, NaviNavi сказал:

а зачем вам это epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30 ???

Я тоже не совсем понимаю для чего )

18 минут назад, NETOS сказал:

Где в ваших конфигах сохранение конфигурации после регистрации ONU? Добавьте последним пунктом запись конфига write all, а то у вас каждый раз конфиги ОНУ пишут, что нагружает полностью проц. Ну и у меня было даже с командой write all, что регалось долго, перезагрузка ОЛТа все решила.

Вчера только для теста убрао конец конфига 
cmd-sequence 7 write all
cmd-sequence 8 exit

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4 часа назад, vitaha-ua сказал:

может стоит прошивку посвежее поставить у меня стояла не помню какая предыдущая но работала не совсем адекватно с снмп не дружила обновил до P3616-2TE Software, Version 10.1.0F Build 74816 уже около года полет нормальный, ну и еще как вариант сделайте темплейт попроще без switchport port-security возможно не все ону его нормально воспринимают.


5 часов назад, s.t.a.l.k.e.r сказал:

Какой аптайм ОЛТа? Если большой то попробуйте перезагрузить ОЛТ. После перезагрузки онушки будут быстро регистрироваться. Там такое решение помогло.

180 дней)

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5 часов назад, vitaha-ua сказал:

может стоит прошивку посвежее поставить у меня стояла не помню какая предыдущая но работала не совсем адекватно с снмп не дружила обновил до P3616-2TE Software, Version 10.1.0F Build 74816 уже около года полет нормальный, ну и еще как вариант сделайте темплейт попроще без switchport port-security возможно не все ону его нормально воспринимают.


cmd-sequence 2 switchport port-security mode dynamic
 cmd-sequence 3 switchport port-security dynamic maximum 50

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попробуйте убрать, если нужно сделать ограничение маков на ону лучше другую команду использовать epon onu all-port mac address-table dynamic maximum, по поводу команды epon mpcp-registration-mode ctc 30 нужна если не ошибаюсь для того что бы ону успевала схавать конфиг с темплейта полезно если зоопарк с онушек.

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      для новичков.
      set_olt_oids() {
          # Общие для EPON (BDCOM)
          if [[ "$1" =~ ^(P3310|P3310B|P3310C|P3608|P3608B|P3316|P3600-16E|P3608-2TE|P3616-2TE|IEP3310)$ ]]; then
              OID_PORT_INDEX="" # oid возвращает все индексы ПОН портов, работает не везде
              OID_REBOOT_ONU="" # snmpset -v2c -c RW IP OID.onuIndex i 0 reboot
              OID_DEL_ONU="SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320." #.$portID.$mac10" i 0 #mac decimal onu
          # Общие для GPON
          if [[ "$1" =~ ^(GP3600-08|GP3600-16B|GP3600-08B)$ ]]; then
              ETH_STATUS="" # статус порта 1 портовая ону
              ETH_STATUS4="" # статус портов 4х портовая ону
              OID_REBOOT_ONU="" #snmpset -v2c -c RW IP OID.onuIndex i 1 reboot
          # Уникальные параметры для моделей
          case "$1" in
              # EPON модели
              P3310 | P3310B)
              P3608 | P3608B | P3310C | P3316 | P3600-16E | P3608-2TE | P3616-2TE)
              # GPON модели
              GP3600-08 | GP3600-16B | GP3600-08B | P3600-08E)
                  echo -e "\e[1;91mНеизвестный режим OLT: $1\e[0m"
                  return 1
          return 0
      что бы было понятно в дальнейшем что за переменные 
      snmp1="snmpwalk -v2c -c паблик стринг"
      snmp2="snmpwalk -v2c -Ouqv -c паблик стринг"
      snmp3="snmpget -v2c -c паблик стринг"
      snmp3q="snmpget -v2c -Ouqv -c паблик стринг"
      snmp4="snmpget -v2c -Ouqv -c приват стринг"
      snmp5="snmpset -v2c -c приват стринг"

      1- OID_GET_MAC="" на бдкомах епон 
      = SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = Hex-STRING: A0 94 6A 97 CC 50
      snmp_response=$($snmp3 "$IP" "$OID_GET_MAC.$1" 2>/dev/null | awk -F'Hex-STRING: ' '{print tolower($2)}' | tr -d ' ')
          onu_mac=$(echo "$snmp_response" | sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g;s/:$//') #Переводим в человеческий вид
          mac10=$(echo "$snmp_response" | awk '{    # Переводим в mac10 дада способов есть миллиард.
              for (i=1; i<=length; i+=2) {
                  printf "%d", strtonum("0x" substr($0, i, 2))
                  if (i + 2 <= length) printf "."
              print ""

      лучший способ сделать функцию для форматирования снмп запросов в зависимости от типов STRING / HEX-STRING / COUNTER32 и тд тп.

      ifID=$($snmp1 "$IP" "$OID_IF_MAC10" 2>/dev/null | awk -v mac="$mac10" '$0 ~ mac {split($1, arr, "."); print arr[length(arr)-6]; exit}') 

      2 - OID_VENDOR_ONU=""
      тут без лишних слов возвращает вендор онушек 
      SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = STRING: "XPON"   если укажем параметр -Oqv  или -Ouqv получим просто "XPON" и надо будет лишь сделать | tr -d ' " '    что бы удалить лапки.

      3 - OID_MODEL_ONU="" аналогично вендорам, получаем модель.

      4- OID_TEMP_ONU=""  - температура ону делим на / 256
      SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 7027  
      temp_onu=$($snmp3q $IP$INDEX | awk '{printf "%.2f", $1/265}' 2>/dev/null)

      5 - OID_AUNT_ONU_STATUS=""
      SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 3

      onuAunt_type=$($snmp3q $IP "$OID_AUNT_ONU_STATUS.$INDEX" 2>/dev/null)
          case "$onuAunt_type" in
              0) onuAunt_type_txt="authenticated" ;;
              1) onuAunt_type_txt="registered" ;;
              2) onuAunt_type_txt="deregistered" ;;
              3) onuAunt_type_txt="auto_config" ;;
              4) onuAunt_type_txt="lost" ;;
              *) onuAunt_type_txt="unknown" ;;

      6 - OID_UPTIME_ONU="" uptime
      SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 290907
      | awk '{h=int($1/3600); m=int(($1%3600)/60); s=$1%60; printf "AliveTime: %dч %dмин %dсек\n", h, m, s}')${reset}"

      7 - OID_DIST=""
      SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 1600
      на епоне в метрах  на гпоне делим на 10

      8 - OID_IF_MAC10=""
      SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = Hex-STRING: 3C 15 12 08 82 AF  
      SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320.      .14-PORTINDEX  - MAC10                = Hex-STRING: MAC HEX

      9- OID_IFindexmac10=""
      SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 125
      SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3320. = INTEGER: 125
      возвращает PORT INDEX и можно грепнуть по mac10 найти индекс и можно грепнуть через мак10

      10 - LASTREG_DATE=""
      дату отдаёт в хексе. надо декодировать это дело.
      вызов snmp + IP + oid + PORTINDEX + MAC10 
      date_hex=$($snmp1 $IP "$LASTREG_DATE.$IF_INDEX.$mac10" 2>/dev/null | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' | tr -d ' ')
      if [[ -n "$date_hex" ]]; then
              # Преобразуем дату из hex в числовое представление
              data=($(echo "$date_hex" | sed 's/../0x& /g'))
              local year=$((data[0] * 256 + data[1]))
              local month=${data[2]}
              local day=${data[3]}
              local hour=${data[4]}
              local minute=${data[5]}
              local second=${data[6]}

      local formatted_date=$(printf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" "$year" "$month" "$day" "$hour" "$minute" "$second")

      10 - LASTDEREG_DATE=""
      аналогично 9му оиду.

      11 - LASTDEREG_REASON="" 
      DEREG_STATUS=$($snmp3 $IP "$LASTDEREG_REASON.$IF_INDEX.$mac10" -Oqv 2>/dev/null)
          case "$DEREG_STATUS" in
              2) dereg_status_text="normal";;
              3) dereg_status_text="mpcp-down";;
              4) dereg_status_text="oam-down";;
              5) dereg_status_text="firmware-download";;
              6) dereg_status_text="illegal-mac";;
              7) dereg_status_text="llid-admin-down";;
              😎 dereg_status_text="wire-down";;
              9) dereg_status_text="power-off";;
              255) dereg_status_text="unknown";;
              0) dereg_status_text="Нет данных.";;
              *) dereg_status_text="not found";;

      есть прикол если онушка autoconfig статус 3 / authenticated статус 0
      там инвертируються 7 и 8  может и от моделей ону зависеть.... 
      7) dereg_status_text="llid-admin-down";;
      😎 dereg_status_text="wire-down";;
      это уже тестами )

      12  -  OID_ONU_ETH="" статус езернет ничего не обычного кроме того что может верно отдать данные с 2-3го раза )
      2 down 1 up 
      там же есть прикол с authenticated autoconfig инвертируется...
      local PORT_COUNT=$($snmp2 "$IP" "$OID_ONU_ETH.$INDEX" | wc -l)
      local ETH_STATUS=$($snmp2 "$IP" "$OID_ONU_ETH.$INDEX.$port" 2>/dev/null)
              [[ "$ETH_STATUS" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || continue  # Проверяем, что ETH_STATUS - это число
              if [[ "$onuAunt_type" == "0" ]]; then
                  STATUS_COLOR=$( [[ "$ETH_STATUS" -eq 2 ]] && echo "UP" || echo "DOWN" )
                  STATUS_COLOR=$( [[ "$ETH_STATUS" -eq 1 ]] && echo "UP" || echo "DOWN" )

      13 - OID_PORT_INDEX="" # oid возвращает все индексы ПОН портов, работает не везде.
      14 - OID_GEPORT_COUNT=""   гигабит езернет порты на онушках (кол-во)
      15 - OID_FEPORT_COUNT=""   ФастЕзернет 100мбит аналогично. 

      16 - OID_REBOOT_ONU="" # snmpset -v2c -c RW IP OID.onuIndex i 0                                  reboot REBOOT ONU epon snmp
      $snmp5 "$IP" "$OID_REBOOT_ONU.$INDEX" i 0 >/dev/null 2>&1

      17 - delete onu epon  удалить ону бдком снмп 
      $snmp5 "$IP" "$OID_DEL_ONU.$ifID.$mac10" i 0 > /dev/null 2>&1    oid.PORTINDEX.mac10 i 0 
      остальные есть выше там думаю всё понятно.

      SIGNAL LEVELS в зависимости от моделей плат и олтов расписаны 
      все везде одинаково 
      $snmp2 "$IP" "$OID_RX_OLT.$INDEX" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $NF / 10}')   результат делим на 10.

      epon пакеты, ошибки по портам на онушке.
      broadcasts=$($snmp4 "$IP" "$INDEX.$port" 2>/dev/null)
      multicasts=$($snmp4 "$IP" "$INDEX.$port" 2>/dev/null)
      unicasts=$($snmp4 "$IP" "$INDEX.$port" 2>/dev/null)
      pause=$($snmp4 "$IP" "$INDEX.$port" 2>/dev/null)
      fcserrs=$($snmp4 "$IP" "$INDEX.$port" 2>/dev/null )
      oversize=$($snmp4 "$IP" "$INDEX.$port" 2>/dev/null)
      jabber=$($snmp4 "$IP" "$INDEX.$port" 2>/dev/null)

      мне бы такое помогло.. а не искать на тонне форумов и сайтов и неделю тыкая snmpwalk и выясняя что и для чего. остального и в инете полно. 
    • By Amigo
      Продам GEPON ОЛТи BDCOM
      1. BDCOM P3310B (Вживаний) - 6000 грн.
      2. BDCOM P3310C (Вживаний) - 7500 грн.
      3. BDCOM P3310C (Вживаний без вух) - 7000 грн.
      4. BDCOM P3608-2TE (Вживаний) - 20000 грн.
      5. BDCOM P3608-2TE  (Вживаний) - 19000 грн.

    • By grapefruit
      Доброго вечора, спільното!
      Можливо хтось стикався з завданням,коли потрібно на OLT BDCOM GP3600 по oid визначити час розреєстрування ону. В неті нічого знайти не вдалося, через MIB браузер тоже ніц.
      Якщо підкажете буде дуже вдячний, або хоч підкажіть де шукати.
      Всім гарного вечора)
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