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Вчи українську, це тобі ще знадобиться!

Дуже схоже на "фільтр по МАС", який зявився в 3310с. ftp://ftp.romsat.ua/pub/Lan/BDCOM/P3310C/Read_before_Update.txt All mac addresses that fit the mask below will be dropped on OLT PON inte

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OLT-Astor-i-K#show epon interface EPON0/1:1 onu ctc optical-transceiver-diagnos
 operating temperature(degree): 52
 supply voltage(V): 3.3
 bias current(mA): 14.4
 transmitted power(DBm): 1.9
 received power(DBm): -15.9

OLT-Astor-i-K#show epon interface EPON0/1:2 onu ctc optical-transceiver-diagnos
 operating temperature(degree): 42
 supply voltage(V): 3.3
 bias current(mA): 14.8
 transmitted power(DBm): 1.5
 received power(DBm): -13.4

OLT-Astor-i-K#show epon interface EPON0/1:3 onu ctc optical-transceiver-diagnos
 operating temperature(degree): 41
 supply voltage(V): 3.3
 bias current(mA): 16.8
 transmitted power(DBm): 2.0
 received power(DBm): -11.2

OLT-Astor-i-K#show epon interface EPON0/1:4 onu ctc optical-transceiver-diagnos
 operating temperature(degree): 46
 supply voltage(V): 3.3
 bias current(mA): 16.7
 transmitted power(DBm): 1.6
 received power(DBm): -17.9

OLT-Astor-i-K#show epon interface EPON0/1:5 onu ctc optical-transceiver-diagnos
 operating temperature(degree): 52
 supply voltage(V): 3.3
 bias current(mA): 16.0
 transmitted power(DBm): 2.2
 received power(DBm): -19.3

OLT-Astor-i-K#show epon interface EPON0/1:6 onu ctc optical-transceiver-diagnos
 operating temperature(degree): 44
 supply voltage(V): 3.3
 bias current(mA): 16.5
 transmitted power(DBm): 1.7
 received power(DBm): -19.4

OLT-Astor-i-K#show epon interface EPON0/1:7 onu ctc optical-transceiver-diagnos
 operating temperature(degree): 62
 supply voltage(V): 3.3
 bias current(mA): 17.7
 transmitted power(DBm): 1.6
 received power(DBm): -18.6

OLT-Astor-i-K#show epon interface EPON0/1:8 onu ctc optical-transceiver-diagnos
 operating temperature(degree): 48
 supply voltage(V): 3.3
 bias current(mA): 15.2
 transmitted power(DBm): 1.4
 received power(DBm): -16.3

OLT-Astor-i-K#show epon interface EPON0/1:9 onu ctc optical-transceiver-diagnos
 operating temperature(degree): 49
 supply voltage(V): 3.3
 bias current(mA): 15.5
 transmitted power(DBm): 1.5
 received power(DBm): -11.7

OLT-Astor-i-K#show epon interface EPON0/2:1 onu ctc optical-transceiver-diagnos
 operating temperature(degree): 39
 supply voltage(V): 3.3
 bias current(mA): 19.7
 transmitted power(DBm): 1.6
 received power(DBm): -15.4

OLT-Astor-i-K#show epon interface EPON0/2:2 onu ctc optical-transceiver-diagnos
 operating temperature(degree): 39
 supply voltage(V): 3.3
 bias current(mA): 13.5
 transmitted power(DBm): 1.3
 received power(DBm): -24.8

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Та ну их нафик. Прошивать головы ревизии С надо по принципу: "Работает? Не трогай!"




так не работает :(


warnings(4) SEP 4 21:55:39 timestamp 0, window 0, threshold 0, value 0
warnings(4) SEP 4 21:55:39 Alarm LASER_ALWAYS_ON from OLT 0x03000000 port EPON0/1 pon_diID 7
warnings(4) SEP 4 21:55:39 timestamp 0, window 0, threshold 0, value 0
warnings(4) SEP 4 21:55:39 Alarm LASER_ALWAYS_ON from OLT 0x03000000 port EPON0/1 pon_diID 7
warnings(4) SEP 4 21:54:39 timestamp 0, window 0, threshold 0, value 0
warnings(4) SEP 4 21:54:39 Alarm LASER_ALWAYS_ON from OLT 0x03000000 port EPON0/1 pon_diID 7
warnings(4) SEP 4 21:54:39 timestamp 0, window 0, threshold 0, value 0
warnings(4) SEP 4 21:54:39 Alarm LASER_ALWAYS_ON from OLT 0x03000000 port EPON0/1 pon_diID 7
warnings(4) SEP 4 21:53:39 timestamp 0, window 0, threshold 0, value 0
warnings(4) SEP 4 21:53:39 Alarm LASER_ALWAYS_ON from OLT 0x03000000 port EPON0/1 pon_diID 7
warnings(4) SEP 4 21:53:39 timestamp 0, window 0, threshold 0, value 0
warnings(4) SEP 4 21:53:39 Alarm LASER_ALWAYS_ON from OLT 0x03000000 port EPON0/1 pon_diID 7


все перемеряли, все онушки поменяли, модуль тоже меняли....


config_epon 0/[x]# epon onu-always-laser-on disable 

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config_epon 0/[x]# epon onu-always-laser-on disable 


нету такой команды :(

  aggregator-group              -- Port aggregation configuration
  arp                           -- ARP parameters
  bandwidth                     -- Set the interface bandwidth
  cos                           -- Configure cos
  default                       -- Restore default configuration
  delay                         -- Set the interface delay
  description                   -- Set the interface description
  dhcp                          -- DHCP parameters
  dot1x                         -- IEEE 802.1X port configuration
  epon                          -- Ethernet Passive Optical System
  ether-ring                    -- Ethernet Automatic Protection Switching Configuration
  ethernet                      -- Ethernet Configuration
  exit                          -- Exit / quit
  filter                        -- Filter configuration subcommands
  flow-control                  -- Configure interface flowcontrol
  garp                          -- Config garp parameters
  gvrp                          -- Gvrp enable
  help                          -- Description of the interactive help system
  history                       -- Look up history
  interface                     -- Interface configuration
  ip                            -- IP configuration commands
  ip-source                     -- IP source 
  ipv6                          -- IPv6 logic interface subcommands
  l2protocol-tunnel             -- Layer 2 protocols tunnel
  lldp                          -- Lldp configuration commands
  location                      -- Interface location information
  loopback-detection            -- Enable loopback-detection
  mac                           -- MAC configuration subcommands
  no                            -- Negate configuration
  pdp                           -- Pdp configuration commands
  performance-stats             -- Configure interface performance statistics
  privilege                     -- Set privilege for command
  qos                           -- Config port qos
  quit                          -- Exit / quit
  rmon                          -- Configure Remote Monitoring on an interface
  short-ifdescr                 -- Use brief name as ifDescr
  show                          -- Show configuration and status
  shutdown                      -- Shutdown the current interface
  snmp                          -- Modify SNMP interface parameters
  spanning-tree                 -- Config spanning-tree protocol on port
  storm-control                 -- Storm control configuration
  switchport                    -- Set port switching characteristics
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Есть кто ставил прошивку выше 33463 и у кого стабильно заработала?

На данной (33463) есть не объяснимые глюки.

Неделю назад поставил 42425. РРРоЕ бегает, конфиг не пропадает, жалоб от абонентов пока нет.

С мультикастом воюем, но на этой прошивке он хоть завёлся, на 33463 вообще работать не хотел.

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config_epon 0/[x]# epon onu-always-laser-on disable 


нету такой команды :(

  aggregator-group              -- Port aggregation configuration
  arp                           -- ARP parameters
  bandwidth                     -- Set the interface bandwidth
  cos                           -- Configure cos
  default                       -- Restore default configuration
  delay                         -- Set the interface delay
  description                   -- Set the interface description
  dhcp                          -- DHCP parameters
  dot1x                         -- IEEE 802.1X port configuration
  epon                          -- Ethernet Passive Optical System
  ether-ring                    -- Ethernet Automatic Protection Switching Configuration
  ethernet                      -- Ethernet Configuration
  exit                          -- Exit / quit
  filter                        -- Filter configuration subcommands
  flow-control                  -- Configure interface flowcontrol
  garp                          -- Config garp parameters
  gvrp                          -- Gvrp enable
  help                          -- Description of the interactive help system
  history                       -- Look up history
  interface                     -- Interface configuration
  ip                            -- IP configuration commands
  ip-source                     -- IP source 
  ipv6                          -- IPv6 logic interface subcommands
  l2protocol-tunnel             -- Layer 2 protocols tunnel
  lldp                          -- Lldp configuration commands
  location                      -- Interface location information
  loopback-detection            -- Enable loopback-detection
  mac                           -- MAC configuration subcommands
  no                            -- Negate configuration
  pdp                           -- Pdp configuration commands
  performance-stats             -- Configure interface performance statistics
  privilege                     -- Set privilege for command
  qos                           -- Config port qos
  quit                          -- Exit / quit
  rmon                          -- Configure Remote Monitoring on an interface
  short-ifdescr                 -- Use brief name as ifDescr
  show                          -- Show configuration and status
  shutdown                      -- Shutdown the current interface
  snmp                          -- Modify SNMP interface parameters
  spanning-tree                 -- Config spanning-tree protocol on port
  storm-control                 -- Storm control configuration
  switchport                    -- Set port switching characteristics

если Б версия ,то Switch_config_epon0/1#no epon onu-always-laser-on

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  1. show run int g0/6 (OLT#1)
  2. show run int g0/6 (OLT#2)
  3. show run int g0/x (UPLINK OLT#1, x= номер порта)
  4. show vlan (на обоих OLT)

выложите вывод инфы данных команд - тогда можно будет что то советовать...

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Кто подскажет, почему при одинаковых условиях получается такое:



pion-1#show epon optical-transceiver-diagnosis interface EPON0/2:1
 interface    RxPower(dBm)
-----------  --------------
epon0/2:1    -39.9



pion-2#show epon optical-transceiver-diagnosis interface EPON0/2:1
 interface    RxPower(dBm)
-----------  --------------
epon0/2:1    -25.2




p.s. банально 39,9 на всех портах.


p.p.s. добавлю инфы



pion-1#show epon optical-transceiver-diagnosis
 interface    Temperature(degree)    Voltage(V)    Current(mA)    TxPower(dBm)
-----------  ---------------------  ------------  -------------  --------------
epon0/1      48.0                   3.3           19.9           5.2
epon0/2      48.0                   3.3           15.6           5.2
epon0/3      51.3                   3.3           15.1           5.2
epon0/4      46.7                   3.3           15.6           5.3



pion-2#show epon optical-transceiver-diagnosis
 interface    Temperature(degree)    Voltage(V)    Current(mA)    TxPower(dBm)
-----------  ---------------------  ------------  -------------  --------------
epon0/1      52.4                   3.3           39.2           6.7
epon0/2      47.4                   3.3           35.0           6.6
epon0/3      52.4                   3.3           49.4           6.3
epon0/4      34.0                   3.3           18.7           4.9



проехали, gepon c++, поэтому так.

Відредаговано Darth Vader2
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На ромсате свежее нашел :)



Ченджлогов нигде нет к прошивке ? Обновлять бездумно не хотелось бы


 P3310C Software, Version 10.1.0E Build 37276

Люди жалуются на периодическое зависание видео с разных ресурсов ( в т.ч YouTube). При том, что олт включена за другой олт P3608, с которой проблем не наблюдается, ситуация довольно странная и не ясная.

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Пришел к мнению, что P3310C Software, Version 10.1.0E Build 36039 - самый стабильный, по крайней мере, для меня.

Хорошо с access листами работает, правильно показывает уровни, большой аптайм (больше 90 дней без лагов и глюков), каждая онуха теплейтом отпущена до 500 Мбит/с.

Полет нормальный.

Если вдруг кому-то нужно будет, маякуйте - солью с головы. Могу даже блоб файлы слить, если кому надо.

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Полезные ссылки
ОЛТ BDCOM P3310C firmware
#last 11.7.2017
( Работает без проблем | dhcp, pppoe, multicast )
#old Firmware
( fix bug - 4 port switch in 10 MB some time )



BDCOM P3310C Software, Version 10.1.0D Build 33463
uptime is 486:08:41:00, The current time: 2017-9-15 19:23:2

BDCOM P3310C Software, Version 10.1.0E Build 43480
uptime is 58:08:36:42, The current time: 2017-9-15 20:20:24

Відредаговано solarbg
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Приехала новая голова, из коробки прошивка

P3310C Software, Version 10.1.0E Build 37276. На команду show epon optical-transceiver-diagnosis выводит только уровень сигнала пон портов, сигналы от онушек не показывает.

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Приехала новая голова, из коробки прошивка

P3310C Software, Version 10.1.0E Build 37276. На команду show epon optical-transceiver-diagnosis выводит только уровень сигнала пон портов, сигналы от онушек не показывает.


Нам тоже новая голова недавно с этой прошивкой приходила. Сразу всплыли непонятки с РРРоЕ.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Блин. С прошивками 42425 и 43480 вырисовалась неприятная проблема.

Приблизительно раз в сутки дёргаются все активные EPON-порты. Соответственно у абонентов 2-3 минуты нет линка.

на 33463 такого не было :(

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Check if that problem is to other brand onus. Like vsol for example.

This is still in the OLT rom image at the end of file:



263�0003�?�switch_name=P3608;welcome_name=EPON OLT;snmp_mcard=854;lm75_device=ON;port_map={2,0,1-4,0,16-19},{6,0,5-8,0,20-23};lang=en;blackl=8014A8,A0C6EC,&ANYK



Pay attention to - blackl=8014A8,A0C6EC

This means blacklist mac addresses starting with 80:14:A8 (VSOL) and A0:C6:EC (ShenZhen ANYK Tech).

May be this is disabled I do not know but i have problems with VSOL onus and that OLT.

1-2% packet losses or similar stuff.


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This is from the rom images of my OLT BDCOM 3608.

This is at the end of the file.

This is not the software bin but the rom bin.

So there is still code to block other vendors. It may be disabled i do not know. It may just stop

other vendors for 1-2 minutes I do not know too.

But this is bad bdcom practice.

They must focus on features and price not this crappy game...

It leads to nowhere...

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Hm.. I have some V-Solution ONU.

But... If they blocking this vendor, they must blocking ONLY this ventor.

In my situation all EPON-ports on OLT are making up/down, not specific ONUs. And it begins, when I upgrade firmware, yes.

Відредаговано Fallen_Grayswandir
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I want to excuse me for not writing in Russian. I understand perfect Russian but can not write,

so you can answer me on your language.

I am using version 43480 with BDCOM 3310C,3608 and its okay except that i have some

packet losses between 0-2% to some clients using v-sol onus. I am still investigating and

tomorrow will change v-sol onu mac address with bdcom and will confirm my theory.

BDCOM had such thing with dropping other vendors starting from version 29xxx.

They say that the stopped that practice and are trying to make open product but yeah i still

see stupids in the rom image :)

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I want to excuse me for not writing in Russian. I understand perfect Russian but can not write,

so you can answer me on your language.

It's ok for me. Good practice for speaking and writing in English. =)




I am using version 43480 with BDCOM 3310C,3608 and its okay except that i have some packet losses between 0-2% to some clients using v-sol onus. I am still investigating and tomorrow will change v-sol onu mac address with bdcom and will confirm my theory.


As I wrote earlier - we desided to use iptv via multicast. On 33463 it does not working at all. So I upgraded all my OLT to 42425 and to 43480. PPPoE, multicast works fine, but i see, that all EPON ports makes up/down several times a day at one time. I don't think, that problem is about locking non-BDCOM ONUs, cause on one OLT I have only p1501c1

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Доброго времени суток.
2 недели назад перепрошили BDCOM p3310c на новую версию прошивки BD_3310C_10.1.0E_43480_en .
И было замечено несколько (пока что) неприятных багов (если это они) , а именно : после перезагрузки абон ону ( перезагрузить по питанию) ОНУ BDCOM p1501c1 или p1501b1 подтягивают не верную конфигурация , привязка по acl , по внутренему айпи, и по других вланах. Приходиться править в ручную каждый раз.... кто то с таким сталкивался или может посоветовать в чем может быть проблема?
Заранее спасибо

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